Morning Musume。'14, Berryz Kobo, ℃-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, Hello!Project, TNX, and more
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Re: Morning Musume '16 to be main guest at Anime Matsuri in Texas!

Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:37 am

they really want that money

Re: Morning Musume '16 to be main guest at Anime Matsuri in Texas!

Wed Dec 09, 2015 12:13 pm

and I really don't want to pay that much. its twice as much as the VIP for the NY concert.

Re: Morning Musume '16 to be main guest at Anime Matsuri in Texas!

Wed Dec 09, 2015 12:50 pm

^ Yeah to me it's not really worth it. And I'm a little wary of them suddenly restocking. Of course, we may find out they lock the autographs behind the superpass

Re: Morning Musume '16 to be main guest at Anime Matsuri in Texas!

Wed Dec 09, 2015 1:18 pm

It says on their website that superpasses are not for paid events. Japanese autographs are pay only (on the english autographs are free). You buy the merch. and they give you the ticket (for the autograph) or autograph, depending on how they do it. That's up to UF to decide.

Superpass just gives you better chances to getting in early to the concert, dealer room, autographs, etc. Basically, line jumping.

But with this new restock, which TOTALLY feels like they are just looking for a few extra bucks. Who knows how long that "special line" will be now.

Re: Morning Musume '16 to be main guest at Anime Matsuri in Texas!

Wed Dec 09, 2015 2:37 pm

ohh good point Kyu, most of the time special events are locked behind buying something (AX DID have a free autograph thing though but you had to get lucky on where you were placed in the Q&A panel.)

Re: Morning Musume '16 to be main guest at Anime Matsuri in Texas!

Wed Dec 09, 2015 6:12 pm

CaptainBerryz3705 wrote:name mispronunciation is what I wait for when it comes to events like these. XD For example, when english stress and vowels not found in Japanese are used to pronounce the girls' names. I love it. xD Too bad I won't be able to go. ;-;

forgetmenots- Your little sister is a H!P fan?!?! you lucky duckling!

It's mostly one of those 'she likes it because she looks up to me' kind of things. I introduced her with the Math Academy drama and she fell in love with Sayu and Reina.

I'm really worried that they might miss out on seeing stuff though since my mom's not very savvy. I hope she can get into the concert and buy merch at the very least.

Re: Morning Musume '16 to be main guest at Anime Matsuri in Texas!

Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:59 pm

Announcement and member comments, from the latest episode of Hello! Project Station

Lots of English from Miki — she pretty much repeats the entire announcement, line by line.

Re: Morning Musume '16 to be main guest at Anime Matsuri in Texas!

Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:10 am

SO handy having an official translator right in MM! :w00t:

Re: Morning Musume '16 to be main guest at Anime Matsuri in Texas!

Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:33 am

Is anyone going who needs a roommate for the hotel?

Re: Morning Musume '16 to be main guest at Anime Matsuri in Texas!

Thu Dec 10, 2015 4:13 pm

One of my people have picked Erina Ikuta as their favorite (She likes her Ikemen aura). I also HAVE ANOTHER PERSON GOING. XD
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