It was a really loooong dream mixing up attending to classes and celebrating something in a parallel model of school I've had in other dreams; trying to cross a parallel model of city I've also had in other dreams and getting lost at it and more stuff like that, weird things, like in every dream.
Yeah, and apparently I also met Dtrix from Youtube (wtf
) and when I asked him about a photo he said no.
Se there was Karin, at some part of the dream, which was related to me in a way, nt sure now if as just the girl I liked, a girlfriend, sister or even a mother (WTF?
And then, at some moment, the classroom turned into a hotel room placed on one of the highest floors. I was there with a friend, maybe more firends too, and with S/mileage.
It was really interesting because it was like we had some kind of special mission, maybe to protect th girls from.... something? aliens? gangsters? special agents?
Idk, but thre was this feeling of persecution, plus we're constantly going out on the balcony to "check the situation". In one of those going outs this high floor apparently turned out into the grounf floor and we were trying to find a way to prevent anybody to enter in the room the girls were. So we were going out to buy the breakfasts and stuff and to pretend we were cleaning in front of it (as if we were cleaning in front of our own house). And it tuned out that Kana was pretty brave because she was coming outside too, walking from here to there and asking us a lot of stuff, and we were like" OHHHHHH! HOW CUTE IS SHEEEEEEE
I think that was the first dream I've ever had starring H!P members, or at least the first one I remember even partially. It feels really nice