New KSS charm point
Shimakura- the dimple which is only on her left side
Hibi- her broad forehead
Eguchi- her long and curled eyelashes
Doi- her fluffy long eyelashes
Okamura- her squishy cheeks
Matsunaga- her long hair
Yamada- her squishy cheeks
Nakayama- her long and firm eyelashes (she can balance a toothpick on them)
Shimakura- watching Hello Pro videos
Hibi- snowboarding
Eguchi- singing songs and playing various instruments
Doi- listening to Hello Pro songs
Okamura- cooking and making sweets
Matsunaga- playing with her dog Chloe
Nakayama- making food samples (fake food models)
Nakayama- zone out/ do nothing/ laze around
Not quite sure about Nakayama's hobby but this was what was reported.
中山 ぼーっとすること