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Re: Haircare/Skincare/Make-up Thread

Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:12 pm

Since coming to Japan I have decided I understand my scalp even less than I thought I did to begin with @_@ I have pretty much given up and am just using Japan's H&S brand which I'm pretty positive is just a fancy-looking rebranding of Head and Shoulders here. I don't have much dead skin caked on (I don't know how else to explain this... it's a psoriasis/dermatitis thing) so I'm picking at it way less, but my dandruff is pretty bad. It doesn't help that I wear so much black (I really need to buy less black work clothes) so it's always really obvious and embarassing. But it's better now than it was in the winter.

Special shampoo always works really well for me the first couple of months and then my scalp builds a resistance to it which is bizarre (I've also got it in my ears which is REALLY annoying)

forgetmenots skinfail TMI is finished now XDXD

Re: Haircare/Skincare/Make-up Thread

Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:54 am

If you're able to find or import it, I would recommend trying out a coal-tar-based shampoo. It hasn't cured my problem entirely, but it definitely helps.

Re: Haircare/Skincare/Make-up Thread

Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:39 pm

I don't if any of you know about the foot skin care product called Baby Foot, but it's big in Japan and I since my feet were in pretty bad shape from work, I decided to see if I could make them all nice again.

You soak them in these booties lined with a special gel and then afterwards you wait like 4 days for it to start. Today's the fifth day since I did it and my feet are starting to peel like crazy. It's morbidly fascinating.

Re: Haircare/Skincare/Make-up Thread

Tue Aug 18, 2015 5:47 am

That doesn't sound like a glowing praise yet. Keep us updated on your foot exfoliation as it progresses... :fear:

Re: Haircare/Skincare/Make-up Thread

Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:53 am

Lol. The result was super soft feet. If you don't mind the peeling I really do recommend it. I'm pretty sure you can get it in the States.

Re: Haircare/Skincare/Make-up Thread

Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:17 am

I've heard people talk about that before. Supposedly it works really well.

Re: Haircare/Skincare/Make-up Thread

Fri Nov 23, 2018 2:13 am

Hi there. I'm obviously necroposting right now lol but this thread is still extra relevant for me. I have been struggling with my skin since I was 13. A few years later it became worse because of my stupid hair. It became thin and those flakes... I've tried lots of shampoos during my teen period, but it was mostly cleaning my hair. Then I went for 'no poo' at all but stuck with a conditioner. This helped a bit, but my hair became extra puffy and almost gone afro, though I'm a Caucasian type. Since then I've read a lot of articles like this and managed to find a relief with homemade hair masks. I've tried jojoba oil and argan-based ones, but eventually stopped on coconut and avocado mask, because of smell :blush:

Hope this would be helpful as it was for me.

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