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My opinion of this H!P member drastically changed when...

Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:17 am

Please feel free to mention a recent event or development that drastically changed your opinion of one of the girls (or groups) for better...or for worse.

Re: My opinion of this H!P member drastically changed when...

Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:25 am

I'll start things off by mentioning how Aarin's turn on Harosute totally upgraded my opinion of her. She just had the most adorably awkward camera presence. You know what I mean. Before that I barely paid any attention to her, but now I really look forward to her appearances.

(Side note:even though I say H!P in the thread title, really it could be any girl/group in the Tsunku region of Idol-landia.)

Re: My opinion of this H!P member drastically changed when...

Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:38 am

Fukuda Kanon.

When the 2ki first joined, and when they were on that TV show (forgot the name. Like GO GO! Smile or somehting like that.), Kanon was so mean to them. Like Ayaka, I can understand, because she would have to be leading a bunch of kuohai, two of them (Kana, Fuyuka) not having much experience. She was so used to Dawa-Sakitty-Yuukarin-Nyon. I guess I could say that same for Kanon, but she was so mean to them.

Like, "Why are you in our group is you don't look up to us?". And that was when Takechan said that Yajima Maimi, her cousin, was the person she looked up to. That was pretty uncalled for, considering the fact that Maimi is her cousin and is a great leader (Not to say that Ayaka isn't, she is too.), so why shouldn't she look up to her? It's family.

And when Fuyuchan started crying, instead of taking on the role herself, she could have comforted her. I understand that they were showing their kouhai how to develop a good idol character and stuff, but when someone starts crying like that, it would be best to comfort them, not make them feel like crap.

I haven't liked Fukuda Kanon eversince that TV apperance. Even though she's nicer to them now, I don't think that I'll ever like her.

Re: My opinion of this H!P member drastically changed when...

Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:43 am

I didn't like Junjun when she joined, I thought she was a shallow attention-seeker. You can't blame me: all we knew about her was that she was a Chinese girl with a blog where she posted cute pictures of herself. She spoke no Japanese and couldn't sing very well according to that Chinese Idol footage. I had all reasons to think she was a Chinese Sayu... and we all know that 7 years ago, Sayu wasn't seen in the same light as today.

This all changed a few weeks after the announcement. When she replied to anti-Chinese racist comments made by Japanese wota on her blog, I was really impressed by her tact. She stood up for herself and appeared as a really genuine woman. In her first year in MM, we found out about her talent as a speaker (in Chinese) and as a pianist, and it made me like her even more. Junjun had a connection to international fans: it felt like she was one of us and understood our love for the group. She eventually became my favourite Platinum era member, replacing Koharu. Throughout her tenure as a member of Morning Musume, she has shown so much humanity and authenticity. You can tell she really loved Morning Musume, and still does even if she left in a bittersweet way. I miss her. :heart:

I think the closest we have to someone like her in MM '14 is Harunan. I don't feel a gap between her real self and her idol persona. They're both mature, determined and funny. I liked Harunan from the start.

Re: My opinion of this H!P member drastically changed when...

Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:02 am

^ I was a Junjun wota who became a Haruna Wota when she came in. I couldn't agree more. :heart: :heart: I guess I'm drawn the the not-as-talented-but-twice-as-remarkable types.

Re: My opinion of this H!P member drastically changed when...

Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:04 am

At first I loved Momoko...
but then I saw her Yurushite Nyan.
And then I never stopped seeing her Yurushite Nyan.
And I still see her Yurushite Nyan.
And we'll forever see her Yurushite Nyan.

and now I don't like her that much.


Re: My opinion of this H!P member drastically changed when...

Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:27 am

I hated koha at first, then liked her and even bought two pbs, then that radio show happened and now I hate her again.

I've always loved eripon <3

Re: My opinion of this H!P member drastically changed when...

Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:13 am

My opinion of Sayumi went straight up when she "turned heel" at one of the concert MC's totally dissing Reina and Eri(?). Before that I thought she was annoying and untalented but at that point I could see she was funny and charismatic.

Dependable oneesama Sayumi is good, but some days I miss poisoned-tongue super bitch Sayumi.

Re: My opinion of this H!P member drastically changed when...

Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:21 am

I used to dislike Sayuki. Her face really irritated me. Then I got to see what a great performer and singer she is and what an awesome personality she has and now she's one of my favorites.

I didn't really care that much about Ayumi for a long time. Then... Daaishi Feeling. And now I love her. She's so charming.

I was obsessed with Riho when she first joined. I stuck with her for pretty long time even when they started pushing her like crazy and people turned on her like a pack of ravenous wolves, lol. But her singing didn't improve the way I hoped it would, so eventually I lost interest. But then the Wagamama Kinomama Ai no Joke MV came out. I was sort of blown away by how much she owned the MV. She'd always been good, but once Reina left, it became ridiculously obvious. Also, I had recently purchased a much larger TV and I watched the MV on it, so the impact was even bigger for me because of that, lol. Her singing is still hard on the ears most of the time (not all of the time, though), but her cuteness, stage presence, dancing, and fierce determination make up for it.

Re: My opinion of this H!P member drastically changed when...

Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:36 am

Berryz Kobou when I saw their Dakishinete Dakishimete video. I was such an active hater of then in YouTube for about three years and I feel oh so bad about it now. Special Generatiom was the first video I saw of them and I straight up saw them as a little skanks. There was something about Dakishimetex2 that made me fall in love (especially with Miyabi/Captain). Funny I don't listen to that song as much as others now haha

(I feel like we should have a Pointless Mussings Forum and have a thread like this in it)
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