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Re: Suggestion

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:11 pm
by Chatin
Show A... anyone? :rolleyes: :laugh:

Also, stuff like pointless rants and musings.

I mean, if we're talking about making equal grounds, then we either have to take all these community bits and give them to fans of every other set of artists, or we have to remove them to the Karaoke Bar or something to remove special attention.

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:12 pm
by Bossy Zunu
funny I thought I had posted something about possibly making an avex forum but I guess I forgot to press "submit" or something. :D but in any event I'll pay atention to the oaf and see if it looks like there's enough avex traffic to warrant its own forum.

but I'm certainly not going to take away a given forum just because it might potentially annoy some hypothetical snob lurker who is perturbed by the very existence of a subforum for a group they don't like.

I'd TENTATIVELY consider nesting akb + hp + je under something like "Jpop Idols" as separate sub-sub-forums. but only if it's not too annoying having to drill down.

Anybody interested in j-indy and/or j-classics subforums?

btw, rikku, your "wotards" = my "devoted fans." :)

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:24 pm
by Rikku004
lol. i'm a wotard. i have nothing against em. but this is a j-music forum.

i'm just trying to make more suggestions on making it more open for more types of people. if i weren't a wota, lurking around here, i'd get the impression that there's not much for me to do. all the major artists are relegated to one small forum whereas all the idols are like blown up in proportion.

like i said before, closing the H!P/JE/AKB forum isn't because "oh hey i don't like them and their fans". It's just why have one when there's tons better traffic elsewhere and most of the talk here is personal. i like the idea of making the sub-subforum thing for ALL idols too. We can have an AKB JE H!P sub-subforums within the bigger IDOL subforum. (But for now, looking at the traffic, some idols can use threads instead.) And then we can have threads for all the other known idols (like PUREboys and Iire Saaya--yuck--), idol groups (like Hexagon, 9nine), idol companies in that subforum. it works perfectly. since there are a LOT of H!P/AKB/JE comparisons and combii discussions, it'd be easier to make threads in that subforum for those things too. but if that's too much on the server or anything then it's fine.

ideally, we can cut down the amount of subforums by grouping them until they're big enough to stand on their own. that's how it worked before.

oh and if it's not a problem, the OAF could have an avex subforum. avex stands out to people, period. it's not to belittle all the other companies. but usually when some avex artist news goes down, the news media always mentions "Avex, the company that produces Ayumi, Namie, Koda, and AAA". if they see it, they will come.

but for now i have to agree with several others to say that the vibe here is just a little polarizing. right now, we should kinda be THE place where all the people at JPM head to when the bigger JPM has its issues. of course we don't have a say as to where everyone goes eventually. But it'd be beneficial to detour traffic through a backup site like this instead of diaspora everyone. sure the idol fans can get together. but i also liked the big diverse community JPM had too.

but if it's about just a couple folks wanting a subforum and thus it appears, then we should be able to request a bunch of subforums?

Chats: oh yeah i forgot about the Show A... we could move that.

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:57 pm
by AyuHikaru
That's how I feel about it Rikku. I don't mind the idol forums, those are fine, we just need other forums for major J-Artists in order to balance it a bit. Why should Namie/Ayu/Boa/Koda only get a tiny corner of the board when they make up practically 50% of Jpop revenue? The Avex subforum is a good idea, though I wouldn't know how it would work in practice.

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:20 am
by SakuraMusume
We need a Member Birthday Thread. Cause I wanted to wish PyuaRaito a happy birthday today, but there was no place to do it. :D

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:38 am
by boinsie
I think that's a good idea. In the Karaoke Bar, maybe?

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:36 am
by Zunu
AyuHikaru wrote:Why should Namie/Ayu/Boa/Koda only get a tiny corner of the board when they make up practically 50% of Jpop revenue?

Because people don't talk about them that much (excepting maybe BoA). Their day to day lives aren't the talk of conversation in the way that idol's lives are. Nevertheless, I agree that Avex has enough stars in its stable to at least attempt an Avex subforum, so we should be seeing something soon on that front.

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:41 am
by skawt
I agree with the avex artists, sony artists, etc. thing.

But not grouping the idols. H!P mixing with AKB = WWIII

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:20 pm
by aiPod
nice one

Re: Suggestion

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:22 pm
by Bossy Zunu
did some very mild reorganization. there was a moment where folks might've been locked out of a couple of forums. Sorry about that. It's easy to accidentally change permissions with phpbb3, disable posting, make forums invisible, etc. It's a feature, but also a potential drawback.