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Re: The Pointless *48 Musings/Rants Thread

Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:15 am

The MV NMB48 uploaded today just WTF o_o

Re: The Pointless *48 Musings/Rants Thread

Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:18 pm

Looove the pv.. not a big fan on the song

Re: The Pointless *48 Musings/Rants Thread

Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:08 am

questorminator wrote:Well, I'm also curious about their contracts, but it's pretty unlikely that we can find out what's actually there because, well, contracts are confidential.

However, I can reasonably assume that part of that contract (as is with most contracts) states that they would have to follow company policies whichever they may be. This includes the love-ban, conduct, and anything else the Up Front or any other agency demands of its talents. The love-ban might not be part of their contract per se, but as it is a policy, the girls have to follow it.

As to why agencies like Up Front still keep that love-ban thing going, well, I think Zunu has explained it in the best possible way. Lifting it might actually bring Up Front more problems than it solves.

Re: Milky. I like the girl, but I think that what she supposedly did wasn't so out of character for her anyway. But if you wanna follow this up otaku_blue we can take it to the 48rants thread.

Its not out of her character definitely, but it was definitely a factor into her falling ranks in senbatsu.

Re: The Pointless *48 Musings/Rants Thread

Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:25 am

Oh I really agree. It was a really hard time for her fans especially those who held on to the belief that nothing ever actually happened. I used to check out the NMB girls because they can do really good comedy so I knew about her previous indiscretion. I really don't take it against her (I'm probably more than a casual "fan" when it comes to her and Sayanee, but I still can't officially call them my first 48Group Oshis), but this shows why it's still pretty difficult to totally lift the love ban.

Her thank you speech at the sousenkyo was heart-wrenching.

Re: The Pointless *48 Musings/Rants Thread

Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:33 am

Speaking of scandals... Any news on Murashige Anna (HKT48/NMB48)?

Re: The Pointless *48 Musings/Rants Thread

Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:35 pm

Whoever handles them (not familiar with how AKB groups are run, sorry) is taking the "Milky Route" which is to not talk about it at all. From visits to various threads, it seems her silence doesn't sit well with a lot of fans. Can't really comment much because I'm not yet used to the fan dynamics among AKB fans, but as HKT earned a lot of points from me for performing The Peace in their concert (and it was Murashige who was with Sashihara when she gave chocolates to MM '14), I'm pretty much concerned with how it will affect her.

Re: The Pointless *48 Musings/Rants Thread

Thu Jun 26, 2014 5:59 pm

I dont really value NMB48 since I only care for 3 girls excluding concurrent members.
That is Shibuya Nagisa, Sayanee, and Milky. It used to be before Keira but shes graduating welp.

She actually didnt stay silent I heard reports saying she said stuff "Don't trust anyone else, trust Milky". But it was really suspicious the whole scandal...


Re: The Pointless *48 Musings/Rants Thread

Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:05 pm

I think that's more of Milky's attempts to handle the situation outside of what her agency is telling her to do (sorta like Sayanee's statement on her supposed scandal with that guy from One Ok Rock which turned out to be fake after all). The official stance is still "don't talk about it". Props to Milky for doing that. It shows that she does care about how her fans will take this. Still, it's really hard to think that nothing happened. Not that I don't trust Milky just that, well, you know, Milky is Milky.

As for Kokoro No Placard, well, I don't really listen to AKB songs so this doesn't affect me. But hey, at least it will sell more than a million. KFC's videos were actually pretty entertaining (I watched it with the audio off) all things considering.

Re: The Pointless *48 Musings/Rants Thread

Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:55 pm

why did you have the audio off?

well they shot the MV today and it has an extremely *similar concept and intention to work the same way as KFC. Its just man, they really could've done something more unique ugh.

I guess thats Aki-P attacking the fact that Mayu is really just an artificial imitation of a conventional idol :hehe:
haha but man her quest for the top, to now try and become the new kfc is just :?: :hmmm:

Re: The Pointless *48 Musings/Rants Thread

Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:04 pm

Well, call it my personal way of approaching AKB songs. There are a few songs from the 48Groups that I like, say, Yankee Soul, Milky's Warukii (which is in my Ipod), and that HKT song from last year (never bothered to know the title, sorry). I know it sounds silly, but that's how I roll.

Between Mayuyu and Sashihara, I like the latter one more. They're both good, just that Sashihara isn't your every day idol and it's refreshing. She's an H!P wota too, that matters a lot in my book.
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