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Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation audition! - Result : No winners. Plans to restart same auditions soon

Wed Jun 01, 2016 10:55 am


Seriously, Morning Musume started out as a certified pack of deuces (not-quite-winners in a talent contest - remember?), and I've always thought that they should stick with that tradition.

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation audition! - Result : No winners. Plans to restart same auditions soon

Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:00 pm

I'm relieved tbh. It's too early to bring in 13th gen even if I /do/ want new girls to even out the flop that is 12th.
It's also nice to know that they don't just take anyone but that they have something that they're looking for. The group is lacking as it is and they need someone to fill that - idk if it's an ace in particular but... yeah.
I'd rather they look for a while and take whoever feels right than just adding for the sake of adding.

If anything, if people who considered auditioning didn't audition hear this, it might motivated them that "Maybe I actually have a shot!" and make them audition the second time.

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation audition! - Result : No winners. Plans to restart same auditions soon

Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:44 pm

Honestly after 12th gen NO1curr about a 13th one. Like what a let down man....

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation audition! - Result : No winners. Plans to restart same auditions soon

Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:31 pm

They're te="teth"]
forgetmenots wrote:Why should the general public care at all, why should girls even attempt to audition, if every other audition they say no one passes? They're seriously shooting themselves in the foot. I understand they're trying to find another ace quality, but sometimes they have to go out on a limb. girls like Uta didn't seem to show ace quality at first, but developed it quickly enough on stage.

How are they shooting themselves in the foot?
It's not like the group will die now if they don't have new members.[/quote]

They're losing trust. They're losing whatever hype they have left about their auditions. 'Why should anyone care about MM auditions, no one will probably win anyway'

If they just timed their auditions better instead of panicking when some graduates, they wouldn't do this to themselves.

I'm not upset 13th Gen isn't happening yet, I'm just disappointed that failed auditions have become a habit.

And honestly it's really disheartening for the girls auditioning as well I'd guess, instead of maybe any girl could make it if she tried, it probably feels more like: oh.. no girl is good enough.

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation audition! - Result : No winners. Plans to restart same auditions soon

Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:14 pm

This is what I don't understand about the response I'm seeing to this, twice isn't habit forming, three times in their history isn't all the time. Plus H!P is currently brimming with people who failed MM auditions. If you lose heart because you didn't get into an audition that no one won because the agency changed their plans, then I certainly don't think you have the heart to make a top level Idol.

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation audition! - Result : No winners. Plans to restart same auditions soon

Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:46 pm

Obsidian wrote: three times in their history isn't all the time.

It's more than MM though: the first LoVendoЯ audition, the first attempt to find people for Miya's group, the first Country Girls audition, the Hokkaido audition that has gone silent,...

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation audition! - Result : No winners. Plans to restart same auditions soon

Wed Jun 01, 2016 10:38 pm

That's pretty much a product of UF's recent-ish expansion in groups, and it kind of answers the issue. In everything but the strange case of the missing Hokkaido audition they went again pretty much immediately. In those cases they got pretty decent results as far as I can see (though they just decided to sneakily use the MM audition as a surrogate for CGs as well :shifty: ).

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation audition! - Result : No winners. Plans to restart same auditions soon

Wed Jun 01, 2016 11:59 pm

yeah I'm disappointed.
if they're only using this as an opportunity to gain new kenshuusei, just market the kenshuusei auditions properly.

Can't say I don't have trust issues after they failed Moe with the 12th gen auditions and by a stroke of luck she decided to audition for Angerme. :?:
I honestly don't know what direction they're aiming with Morning Musume right now? Like are we just heading through another growth period waiting for 12th gen to be more useful? :s
I really wanted them to find a new vocalist as well since I'm not really enjoying Mizuki having the burden of all of Riho's lines as it currently is right now.

Before I could never sympathise with people who didn't like 5th gen and 6th gen when they debuted, but I totally understand the feeling now.
Its just total frustration in having to put so much faith and trust in UFP and young girls to help maintain your interest in a group you love.

321BreakinOut wrote:Honestly after 12th gen NO1curr about a 13th one. Like what a let down man....

asdfghjkll; you're not supposed to say that :fear:

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation audition! - Result : No winners. Plans to restart same auditions soon

Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:14 am

If you market it as a kenshuusei audition, your pool is only going to contain a certain type of girl. You market it as an audition for "insert group name here", you get a totally different type of girl.

Example ; Girl A always dreamed of joining a professional idol company, she doesn't care which one, whoever will take her. Girl B always dreamed of joining Hello!Project so she could meet her favorite idols. Girl C loves Morning Musume, it's always been her dream to join the group.

If I wanted to join the company and don't care where I end up, or don't care what group I'm in, then I'll opt for the kenshuusei. If I'm shooting for Morning Musume then I'd go for a Morning Musume audition.

I hope, like the 12th gen's first audition they show videos of the potential 13th gen girls that stuck around and joined the program.

Re: Morning Musume. '16 13th generation audition! - Result : No winners. Plans to restart same auditions soon

Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:15 am

Everyone should know how Up Front are now always looking for girls that really want to be in the group....

This is going to be difficult for MM....

Since nowadays all the girls want to become a member of Angerme.... ;-)
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