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Re: Fukuda Kanon to graduate from ANGERME and H!P in fall 2015

Tue May 26, 2015 11:10 pm

Oh man, seeing that photo just makes it more real lol.

CaptainBerryz3705 wrote:Jeiwa, that's exactly what I meant! :P
It doesn't seem so specific to me... o.o It's just, when was the last person (not people.) from a group to get a graduation concert?
The reason I said other than MM is because people graduate from MM all the time so it's much more common... but from other H!P groups it's much less common, so I was curious in that regard.

Yuuka had a graduation ceremony, but it was one of their S/mileage Mega Bank events. Which was still a concert kind of (in that they performed songs, and said their goodbyes IIRC).

Re: Fukuda Kanon to graduate from ANGERME and H!P on 11/29

Wed May 27, 2015 11:45 pm

After seeing Kana in the MCs in the concert I really do think that she could already be a great leader. She just shows so much more confidence then even just last year, if it's just her becoming older, or becoming a sempai in the group, I don't know. But I could see her being promoted to subleader when Kanon graduates. Hopefully she won't need to take over from Ayacho anytime soon, as I don't want my Ayaka to graduate yet (pure selfish reasons), It's just good to know that the leadership won't be an issue when it happens.

Re: Fukuda Kanon to graduate from ANGERME and H!P on 11/29

Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:10 pm

Kanon isn't gonna get a solo song?!
I just noticed this.

This is probably her last single now, but she hasn't gotten a solo song. That's quite interesting. o.o

Re: Fukuda Kanon to graduate from ANGERME and H!P on 11/29

Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:11 pm

...huh? They'll probably release a last single in October or early November.

Re: Fukuda Kanon to graduate from ANGERME and H!P on 11/29

Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:26 pm

Since when are solo songs tradition? Most girls who graduated properly didn't get a solo song. It's a Morning Musume thing.
Last edited by Mixi on Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Fukuda Kanon to graduate from ANGERME and H!P on 11/29

Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:37 pm

I was thinking this actually could be her last, just cause in Nana she got the dance center, and in Gashin she got a big intro line and the final line, so it seemed like they tried to give her a lot of focus since this seemed like her last.

Re: Fukuda Kanon to graduate from ANGERME and H!P on 11/29

Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:46 pm

Look at the girls who had a graduation ceremony in the last 5 years and didn't get a solo song: Koharu, Eri, Junjun, Linlin, Aika, and Yuuka. Granted, Koharu, Aika, and Yuuka had a fairly short-notice graduation. Overall, only Ai, Risa, Reina, and Sayumi got this chance. Before them, Yossi, Kei, and Asuka were the only ones who had a special graduation song, and I guess v-u-den counts too. It's not unlikely Kanon will have one because of her long tenure and singing ability, but solo songs are in no way a tradition.

However, getting more spotlight than usual in your last single as a member of the group is a tradition. If Nana/Gashin/Mahou is her last single, then she definitely got her spotlight as jeiwa said.

Re: Fukuda Kanon to graduate from ANGERME and H!P on 11/29

Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:50 pm

I guess I see what you're saying...
I just feel like Wada and Kanon specifically would get a solo song, idk why, it just seems fitting for them, no?

I didn't say it was a tradition, I was just surprised because I expected that Kanon would get a solo song, she just seems liek the type to get one.

and sohee, if they release in july, then you're right, they might release in november again... I wonder how that's gonna work out :O

Re: Fukuda Kanon to graduate from ANGERME and H!P on 11/29

Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:38 pm

Sayu's last single was right about when she was going to graduate. They really limited the promotion on Tiki Bun because of it (Serial Card event was Tokyo only if I remember correctly), and moved some of the post-promotion stuff to be sooner after the single release or it was made Sayu-less.

Considering this single will be out this month, it really wouldn't surprise me if we get one in October.

The graduates to have solo songs were ones that had been around H!P for an extraordinarily long time as well as having put in a lot to their groups. I do think that Kanon and in the future Ayaka both meet those same standards, counting their time as Eggs and all the work they've done for S/mileage / ANGERME

Re: Fukuda Kanon to graduate from ANGERME and H!P on 11/29

Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:43 pm

Yeah and even then Yuuka did get some attention with PMPW at the least...Saki and Fuuchan were just too sudden to give attention to leaving (the latter not even fully being 2nd gen).
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