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Re: "THE BIG CHANCE" audition to direct a Morning Musume. '15 MV - Winning MV director has been chosen

Tue Dec 30, 2014 6:07 pm

The "Red" guy is apparently on Tumblr -it has his previous works:

Re: "THE BIG CHANCE" audition to direct a Morning Musume. '15 MV - Winning MV director has been chosen

Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:12 pm

I'm surprised most of the people here keep going on about how good the imagery, like the rain, but don't have any issues with the absolutely atrocious editing in tne Blue/Green videos. The Red one has it's own pacing issues, bur at least it wasn't the complete mess of tne other two, especially blue.

Re: "THE BIG CHANCE" audition to direct a Morning Musume. '15 MV - Winning MV director has been chosen

Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:12 am

Mizuki and Harunan have some comments about each video ... 55321.html ... 05905.html

Re: "THE BIG CHANCE" audition to direct a Morning Musume. '15 MV - Winning MV director has been chosen

Wed Dec 31, 2014 3:26 am

Yattaruchan wrote:I'm surprised most of the people here keep going on about how good the imagery, like the rain, but don't have any issues with the absolutely atrocious editing in tne Blue/Green videos. The Red one has it's own pacing issues, bur at least it wasn't the complete mess of tne other two, especially blue.

I thought the quick, frantic editing of Green was really really interesting, even if it probably gave the video a more creepy vibe then she was intending.

Re: "THE BIG CHANCE" audition to direct a Morning Musume. '15 MV - Winning MV director has been chosen

Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:26 am

While the videos were very nice (specially the red one), I agree with Amped that none of them capture the essence of the song itself. We don't see much of their fierce dancing, so they don't show the group's strength, which is dancing. While the imagery itself is great, it doesn't fit wagamama that well.

While "normal" MM PVs aren't that creative (with a few expections), they do show the dancing and close ups well enough. I think that model just has to be improved with more creativity and bigger budget.

After all, MM is currently an EDM group and a great one at that, so why not appreciate what they do best?

Anyway, maybe these videos were done in a way as to impress people. The winner can do a more fitting video for the next single I hope :)
Last edited by Parhelion69 on Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: "THE BIG CHANCE" audition to direct a Morning Musume. '15 MV - Winning MV director has been chosen

Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:44 am

^^I agree. But I have the feeling that the girls enjoyed a lot filming all those rain scenes. Especially the dancing in the rain. Ahhhhhhhh, I'd love so much something like this for a new MM single, and I can totally see it working! Yeah, a bit less creepy though... but rain? YES YES YES

^ Indeeeeeeeeeeed.

Re: "THE BIG CHANCE" audition to direct a Morning Musume. '15 MV - Winning MV director has been chosen

Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:02 am

I was glad to see the Red video win, for reasons that others have already stated. It was the only really original and interesting work, the other two being built upon music video cliches. The rain video was at least edited better than the rooftop video, although I would have preferred that more of the solo shots included actual singing. I wasn't very impressed with the rooftop video at all.

Re: "THE BIG CHANCE" audition to direct a Morning Musume. '15 MV - Winning MV director has been chosen

Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:57 am

I agree that the original MV is by far the best. I could really sense that the contestants were amateurs. It's not that the videos were lacking in creativity or necessarily 'bad' per se, but I feel that they didn't really take into account all aspects. For instance, as some have mentioned that current MM is focused on dancing, but the videos didn't include many dance shots. And none of the videos captured the full depth of the song. There were some nice, interesting shots, but they paid little attention to the lyrics and feel of the song. Where was the power in the 'aisaretai' lines? Where was the strong tension as the girls slapped one another? All of the videos would be great--with a different song. I definitely think red's was the best; it was the most interesting (weird) and I loved how humorously he tied the girls' actions in with the lyrics, but even so it was more like a parody video than an actual MV.

I know this sounds negative and I promise I'm not trying to bash the contestants or their videos. All three are definitely talented and given the limited time and resources they had to film and edit, they did a great job. But this contest has really given me a new appreciation for the professional quality of H!P MVs (despite their lack of creativity). Just wanted to say that! :)

Re: "THE BIG CHANCE" audition to direct a Morning Musume. '15 MV - Winning MV director has been chosen

Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:37 am

I mean, it was a demo MV. The point of it wasn't to the new updated MV for Wagamama and get the "feel" of the lyrics and what not. The point was for three different directors to show their artistic style, and show their different interpretations on an MV. And whoever's MV was liked the most, won. It's not like one of these MVs are going to actually be used for an updated Wagamama. It was just a contest.

Re: "THE BIG CHANCE" audition to direct a Morning Musume. '15 MV - Winning MV director has been chosen

Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:47 am

AyuHikaru wrote:
Yattaruchan wrote:I'm surprised most of the people here keep going on about how good the imagery, like the rain, but don't have any issues with the absolutely atrocious editing in tne Blue/Green videos. The Red one has it's own pacing issues, bur at least it wasn't the complete mess of tne other two, especially blue.

I thought the quick, frantic editing of Green was really really interesting, even if it probably gave the video a more creepy vibe then she was intending.

Each to their own, but I'm still surprised so many people accept it, let alone like it!

For me, quick edits like that I've never liked, and the stuttering, aghh. I do like some of the water shots, but just the way it's all put together doesn't sit well with me. Also, I'm sure the only reason green had "sexy" shots was because the director was female and she knew she could get away with it more then a male director contestant could, and try to use it to her advantage, which for me, is another strike against the video. I like sexy Musume as much as the next person, but there is a time and place for that. Not here.

And like someone here said, I also appreciate the official H!P MVs more after seeing those.
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