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Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:00 pm
by AyuHikaru
Just watched PGSM, I was expecting a lot worse with all my Japan loving friends talking about how horrible the animation was in leaks or whatever. I didn't watch any spoilers or anything so I went in blind and, aside from Usagi's face not being as expressive as I would have liked, I have no complaints. Animation looks nice, voices are good, it's nice and clean and pretty. Really really hopeful about the future now.

Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:27 pm
by iceymoon
PGSM is the common abbreviation of the live action, i'd probably just call it Crystal.

it was freaking amazing to me. :love: Bryan and i have watched the episode a couple more times since it aired. it's keeps what's good about the original and improves what wasn't. i just.. adore it. the animation style takes some getting used to, but in a couple months i won't remember what used to be weird to me.

i'm not a fan of the CG either, mostly because i can imagine how AWESOME it would have been as 2D. i'm a huge fan of 2D animation (it used to be what i aspired to do), so i definitely miss it.. but i'm not too bothered either. i hope they don't start over-using it, but i'm okay at the current pace. i'm also okay with the OP/ED songs.. i'm not a MomoClo fan (haven't even heard that many of their songs) and i REALLY think someone else could have done it better, but this was acceptable. as long as i don't have to watch it live. :hehe: if anything what bugs me most are Luna's eyes. i hope i get used to them.

everything else was.. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: just the right amount of nostalgia, with some new and surprising things. and can i just fangirl a bit and say SO MANY GREAT USAMAMO MOMENTS ALREADY AAAAHHHHHHHHH :yahoo: :love: :yahoo:

Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:39 pm
by otaku_blue
Im sad they got rid of this side of Sailor Moon

now she just comes off as plain annoying

Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:51 pm
by Mirai
I only kinda half watched the first episode (my friend had it on while we were in the hotel room at AX), so I'll have to watch it properly. I don't think it will replace the original anime series in my heart, but it seemed alright from what I did see.

Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 4:14 pm
by iceymoon
the great thing about re-makes is that they don't have to replace anything. nothing will ever erase one version out of existence, so whatever we get is only in addition. this is why i love to see books adapted into movies, and the new Sailor Moon feels much the same way. i can still adore, watch, and re-live the old series while simultaneously enjoying the new one (which i am doing as i'm following along with Hulu as they upload Viz's version of the old series). :happy:

Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:14 am
by Sohee
I'm personally happy that the new Sailor Moon seems a bit more mature and less kiddish. Never was a fan of that part. :3

Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:41 am
by Moh
Pokémon ORAS will have Secret Bases! :w00t:
Spoiler: show
Super-Secret Bases are an awesome new way to express your creativity and join up with friends in the upcoming Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire games. Create a Secret Base that’s all your own, including selecting and placing Decorations however you like. You can use Decorations to create tricks in your Secret Base, decide the rules for what kind of Pokémon battles are allowed there, and make it like your very own Pokémon Gym! Then get ready for other players to come and challenge you!

Using communication features, it’s easy to connect with other players around the world to share your Secret Bases with one another. When you visit another player’s Secret Base, that base’s members will be hanging out there. You can talk to them or even battle them! If you find base owners that you like, you can scout them as one of your Secret Pals and bring them back to your own Secret Base. Once you’ve become Secret Pals with someone, you can continue to have Pokémon battles against them, and also have your Pal use “special skills” to support you on your adventure.

Another fun aspect of Super-Secret Bases is a capture-the-flag activity. Examine the flag beside the Secret PC in another player’s Secret Base to obtain it! You can take one flag per day from each base visited. Visit lots of Secret Bases and collect lots of flags to improve your team’s rank and get rewards, including increasing the skills of your Secret Pals. Flag colors will change based on a team’s rank, so you can tell another team’s rank at a glance—and others can tell yours!

You can share your Super-Secret Base with Trainers all over the world! Symbolize your Secret Base with a QR Code. With a QR Code, you can get the Secret Base of a particular player you’ve been wanting to visit.

To help you get started with Super-Secret Bases, you’ll meet Secret Base Expert Aarune. Aarune and his Flygon are world travelers, bursting with excitement about the Secret Base culture in the Hoenn region. This enthusiastic adventurer will teach you all about the fun of Secret Bases during your journey.

Look forward to building your own Super-Secret Base—and visiting your friends’ Super-Secret Bases—in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, launching this November! ... ret-bases/

Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 1:15 pm
by otaku_blue

oh i like this idea

Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:44 pm
by Mirai
iceymoon wrote:the great thing about re-makes is that they don't have to replace anything. nothing will ever erase one version out of existence, so whatever we get is only in addition. this is why i love to see books adapted into movies, and the new Sailor Moon feels much the same way. i can still adore, watch, and re-live the old series while simultaneously enjoying the new one (which i am doing as i'm following along with Hulu as they upload Viz's version of the old series). :happy:

Very true! I guess the thing is I'm not too terribly fond of some anime series have like 12 variations, but often they all do have some value. :)

Re: 7th Station ~TV, movies, games~

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 3:05 am
by Celedam
HBO's Rome (2005) and the BBC's I, Claudius (1976) make for excellent back-to-back viewing. Setting aside the obvious differences in production, they do a good job of telling an only somewhat dramatized version of the story of the founding of the Roman Empire. They bookend the boring part in the middle — that is, Augustus' long and relatively peaceful consolidation of power — and cover the interesting bits at the beginning and end, respectively.