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Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:59 am
by stam4o
Hurricane Maa :love:

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:02 pm
by randompasserby
translated Sayu's blog post about the NHK 4hour 55 single special, just because :heart:
Good morning :heart: :heart:


I watched NHK-san's 『Morning Musume。55 Special!』

From beginning to the very end, Sayumi watched it all in real time ↑↑↑ :heart:

It made me feel a lot of things!

but the thing I thought about the most is、、、

how groーーーーss Sayumi was back then!!!

or something like that (lol)

It started from our newest single
and then looked back on the many previous formations but..

seeing myself that just won't go away somehow was pretty interesting (lol)

When they showed our past singles one after another,
once again it hit me just how many I participated in and realizing it I felt so moved.

Although I've never exactly gotten a lot of screen time !!lol

The NHK's staff said
『In Rokkies debut song "Shabondama", It's touching how they performed it with all their might』

After seeing our debut performance again with Shabondama、、、

We were indeed giving it our very best!

Well putting all our best efforts into it is just about the only thing we can do so .... thinking back on things like that gets me emotional ーーー(lol)

During this 55 special,
Remembering the times we recorded each and every song :notes:
and feeling my chest tightened up hearing the Senpais comments...

4 hours flew by just like that!!!!!!

The Morning Musume before I joined,
and the Morning Musume after I joined...
"No matter which era was it, Sayumi really loves Morning Musume after all…!!" :heart: :heart:
I've felt that strongly !!!!

NHK-san, thank you for creating such a wonderful program.

also to everyone who watched, thank you.

Lastly, the performance of 『Be Alive』 at the end of the show. :notes:

I really, really like this song
so I was happy that we got to sing it. ♥

There was no audience during the 『Be Alive』 recording,
but we sang it while keeping the fans in our mind!

And then it made me can't wait to see everyone lol ♥

Ah- and by the way...
Yesterday I kept mailing Ai-chan and Eri while watching the show

"How nostalgic~!!" They said. :l:

To have friends alongside you as you worked hard together in the past is lovely :heart:

and then, having friends alongside you while doing your best together even now is so lovely :heart: :heart:
:heart: Morning Musume is the best :heart: ... 57813.html
Sayuuuuuuuu :love: ~

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:14 am
by JonCC
Miyazaki Yuka quit university to be able to focus completely on Juice=Juice. ... 71346.html

From RoxasXIII at H!O

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:31 am
by randompasserby
Wow.. well if she feels that's what best for her, I wish her all the luck. :flowers:

She wrote the reason is mainly because she's not used to juggling her college studies with her Juice=Juice activities after only starting both last year. Rather then half-assing both of them, perhaps in light of their solo tour announcement she decided she wants to focus and do her best in Juice=Juice.

It's very understandable imo... I guess in cases like Airi or the other university-going girls, having more experiences and being used to juggle idol life and school work since they were kids is pretty handy in their situation.They have my respect and so does Yuka for making a pretty big decision like jumping into idol life relatively late and quitting her uni.

Oh and I think it should be noted that she wrote her manager(an by extension H!P/UF) has been entirely supportive during her time in university, like rescheduling/adjusting their work so she can attend her required classes. Course that's if you want to take her word for it which I see no reason not to :hehe: ... atm that makes more sense over any theories of her being force to quit by the management.

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:00 am
by Celedam
Members have said that HP/UF always puts school above work, going so far as to require that the members bring in and show their report cards. So I can believe this was entirely Yuka's decision.

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:46 am
by Amped
JonCC wrote:Miyazaki Yuka dropped out of university to be able to focus completely on Juice=Juice. ... 71346.html

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:54 am
by BerryzCelebration
Aw, I was hoping that she'd graduate from College! Maybe she should have taken some advice from Momoko and Airi on how to manage school time and idol work? I think she got inspired to go to College by one of them (Airi, I believe.). I mean, despite how much work Momoko had to put up with (TV appearances, Berryz Koubou, College), she graduated. But I guess Yuka's different story, seeing how much promotion Ju=Ju has been getting. I think she felt as if she was holding the group by having the manager rearrange schedules for her classes and stuff, and just decided that enough was enough.

That was a brave move though. Most idols would graduate from their groups to focus on school, which is a smart idea and in my opinion, the best option. But she did the complete opposite. I guess we can call that dedication? ♥.

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:15 am
by Sohee
It's really damn difficult to manage both university and idol activities at the same time and not everyone is cut out for it. I'm sure she thought she would be able to but realizing how busy she would be it's understandable that it'd be difficult. Especially since they're doing their tour too and most likely will just get even more busy.
She also has to focus on improving both singing and dancing as Juice=Juice are still just starting out.

But, either way. School will always be there if she decides she wanna go back in a few years.

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:28 am
by avanpiper
^ Yea, I agree they know what's best for themselves. Some decide to dedicate themselves to work (idol), some decide to continue study and quit idol life. Like Yuuka who chose to study. I miss her in S/mileage but as long as she's happy with her life.

I really look up to these girls who are still juggling between school and work. They must have great time management to be able to focus on both.

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:45 am
by aerosuffly
Well Airi and Momo are veteran, and frankly speaking probably the smartest girls in H!P. They have been juggling their work and school for 10 years, while Yuuka just moved to Tokyo a few years ago to get into this idol business. Have some mercy to her. I know you want to see her as a kick-ass announcer.