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Re: Random Thread ~The Duck Saga Pt. 17~

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 12:02 am
by Zunu
OK, I think I fixed the [Video] tag so that it is SSL-compliant for youtube and vimeo, meaning, it should work for https links, the links which exist already should continue to work, and we can continue to use the [Video] tag going forward. Please everyone let me know if there are issues on your end.

For now dailymotion links still don't work right with [Video], will update if fixed, continue to use [dm].

Re: Random Thread ~The Duck Saga Pt. 17~

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 1:34 am
by Celedam
Zunu wrote:Knowing next to nothing about programming, I have no idea what causes this, but if I had to completely guess, it would be something like this

I can't know for sure without examining the phpBB code for myself, but that sounds… weird. For a few different reasons.

I don't care anymore, however, because…

Zunu wrote:OK, I think I fixed the [video] tag so that it is SSL-compliant for youtube and vimeo

Yay! And frankly, I'm more curious about how you did that than I am about the tagging. I'm dealing with TLS/SSL issues at work right now.

Zunu wrote:For now dailymotion links still don't work right with [video]

They work if you append an underscore to the ID…

Discovered this earlier…


Re: Random Thread ~The Duck Saga Pt. 17~

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 2:19 am
by Zunu
OK great! Although there might be a way for me to fix that as well, I'll play around with it.

About the [video] tag, I belatedly remembered that unlike all the other user-created tags, it doesn't just do a simple replace of tag data to HTML, it actually calls a separate video.php script which has a two dimensional array with a separate sub-array for each video provider. And it was those array elements that were hard coded with the http text values. So I just updated them to say https instead, crossing my fingers that updating the php script wouldn't break the old posts, and luckily it didn't.

Re: Random Thread ~The Duck Saga Pt. 17~

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 4:00 pm
by TotallyUncool
I buy frozen salmon fillets from Aldi because they're so cheap. And I kind of like their house-brand (Clancy's) imitation Fritos, which are very inexpensive, and taste almost like the real thing (just with a slight lard aftertaste :unsure: ). In a lot of ways, Aldi just seems slightly odd, like a store chain that started in an alternate universe and branched out into this one. XD

Re: Random Thread ~The Duck Saga Pt. 17~

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 4:05 pm
by Celedam
TotallyUncool wrote:In a lot of ways, Aldi just seems slightly odd, like a store chain that started in an alternate universe and branched out into this one.

If you consider Germany to be an alternate universe, then… yeah. <shrug>

Random Thread ~The Duck Saga Pt. 17~

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 4:34 pm
by TotallyUncool
When I first heard of Aldi, I expected it to stock largely European products, because I knew that it was a branch of a German chain. When I finally went into one, I was surprised to see that it carried mostly U.S. products with odd, slightly off, pseudo-generic brand names, and that there was nothing recognizably German about the store.
I'd be happier if it it did carry mostly European products at low prices, even if they were of somewhat iffy quality. As it is, the food section of Big Lots comes much closer to fitting that description (at the moment, I have two packages of discount-priced Big Lots gnocchi in the freezer - some day, I may work up enough ambition to throw them in a pot and cook them).
I guess what I was halfway expecting with Aldi was an entire store that looked like the slightly-dodgy-gourmet section of Big Lots. I'd probably buy too much stuff in a store like that, then wonder what I'd just bought. XD

Stop gaslighting me, Aldi!

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:33 pm
by Zunu
I know what you mean TU, walking into Aldi sometimes feels like toward the end of the Bradbury classic "A Sound of Thunder" when Eckels notices the "TYME SEFARI INC." sign. The packaged goods look suspiciously identical to major market brands until you're halfway done loading the groceries into the trunk and it hits you that no you haven't actually heard of "Clancy's Popcorn" before. On the other hand the produce is pretty safe; it's not like they're selling opples and aranges or something.

Re: Random Thread ~The Duck Saga Pt. 17~

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:34 am
by Shoujo Q
Not suprisingly, the first time I walked into an Aldi and saw all the weirdly named items I felt like I was in an anime where everything has a off name. I liked the novelty of it, but that soon wore off. I like unique things not rebranded things in my stores. Which is why I prefer Trader Joe’s to Aldi. And that’s probably why we have more of them and less Aldi’s. But there’s only 5 Aldi’s in Massachusetts and about 14 Trader Joe’s. More closer to Boston where as the Aldi’s seems to be more suburbs.

Re: Random Thread ~The Duck Saga Pt. 17~

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:11 am
by erilaz
I once went to a flea market where someone was selling sunglasses branded with the Coca-Cola logo, but they actually said "Caca-Cola". I should have bought a pair. XD

Re: Random Thread ~The Duck Saga Pt. 17~

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:43 am
by Celedam
I don’t get it. The vast majority of the items at both Aldi and Trader Joe’s are store brands. That’s a fundamental part of their business model. If you want a wider selection of “gourmet” items, then yeah, you go to Trader Joe’s. But if you only want basic groceries, does it really matter? And is it any different from buying Target or Walmart or <insert your regional chain> store brands?

Name brands do tend to be of higher quality than store brands, and if you have a preferred name brand, nothing else seems good enough. I don’t dispute that. But if you’ve already resolved yourself to buying store brands in order to save money, then... <shrug>