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Re: JPlop's 2015 Secret Santa (Sign-Up by Nov. 15th!)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:49 pm
by forgetmenots
I will have to find a post office near me that will let me ship on Saturdays BUT I should be able to get things over no problem.

Likes: Candy, Food, Cute Socks... (if America... Flaming Hot Cheetohs, Yellow/White Cake mix, Buttercream frosting... >_>), small Plushes, (if non-America, coins, cheap touristy things like keychains.. ) Knitting patterns or needles of really any kind (I'm always loosing mine XD), Yarn would be cool too if you find something soft or just seems nice in general. 2 skeins is better than one, but I can figure out what to do with just one probably so if you go that route no worries. Crystal stones as well.. like Amethyst, Flurorite, Sun Stone, Etc, any of them really

H!P Related: Masaki is pretty much my main Oshi right now, though I'm happy with old Kamei stuff, general-MM things, general ANGERME things (Meimi, Rikako and Murotan especially), Nonaka, Ogata, Riho and Akane are pretty far up there as well for me.

Dislikes/Allergies I have no allergies. I'm not really big on anything jewerly like. I also don't use stickers any more in my daily life, so they'd probably just go to waste if you sent them to me T_T

Re: JPlop's 2015 Secret Santa (Sign-Up by Nov. 15th!)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 12:06 pm
by Sohee
...oh what the hell, I guess I'm in. lol

Likes: Kanjani8 (Shibutani Subaru) XD, Music, candy (US; reeses omfg ;o; and skittles and stuff), notebooks, pens, keychains, Dazai Osamu (author), Japanese history (Esp the bakumatsu), Sakamoto Ryoma, earrings? Is as far as I go for jewelry.

Hello!Project: Satou Masaki. Morning Musume. Kamei Eri. Cute. Tanaka Reina. Lovendor. Ogawa Rena. Meimi.

Dislikes: I don't really DISlike much... that would be relevant for this. Corn? Peas? XD Not a big fan of tiny cutesy stuff like they show on Girls Live with the DIY accessories and stuff... Not good on those things.

But really? Mostly anything will be fine. xD

Re: JPlop's 2015 Secret Santa (Sign-Up by Nov. 15th!)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 2:39 pm
by erilaz
Count me in! I'm glad that last year's thread is still around, so I was able to do an easy cut-and-paste. :lol:

erilaz wrote:I have absolutely no objection to second-hand items, if they're in decent condition. But something that is ratty and gross is also okay if (a) the coolness/weirdness/rarity of the item offsets the bad condition or (b) the rattiness and grossness is the whole point of the item. :mikihead:

General: Weird stuff, especially weird old stuff, is good.

Books: See above. I have a particular love of unusual old books about languages (duh), and Armenian and artificial international languages are especially welcome. Whackadoodle pseudo-science is also good.

Knick-knacks: Weird and/or creepy things are good. Skulls, snakes, dragons, or triceratopses (even cute ones) will fit my decor nicely. Smaller is better, since I don't have a lot of room.

Clothing: Interesting and funny t-shirts are the cornerstone of my personal style. Engrish t-shirts are especially welcome. Size XL preferred, but I can also fit into an L. Again, second-hand is not a problem; I've bought some of my favorite shirts at thrift stores.

Jewelry: Not really interested in jewelry, unless you're talking about unusual character watches or World War I German military decorations. XD

Food: I like sweet things, spicy things, and especially things that are sweet and spicy at the same time. Ginger and wasabi are my two favorite elements of Japanese cuisine. No food allergies or dietary restrictions.

Ephemera: I collect interesting postcards (new or used). See my posts in the Recent Purchases Thread for examples.

If people could provide lists of their favorite H!P members (including OGs), I might be able to add some bonus goodies to someone's packageā€¦. Some of my favorites are Yaguchi Mari, Kago Ai, Yoshizawa Hitomi, Iida Kaori, Ichii Sayaka, Takahashi Ai, Kamei Eri, Fujimoto Miki, Niigaki Risa, Sayashi Riho, Heike Michiyo, Shibata Ayumi, and Tsugunaga Momoko.

Re: JPlop's 2015 Secret Santa (Sign-Up by Nov. 15th!)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:26 pm
by Shoujo Q
5 more days!!!! \:D/ Till I find out who I get to spoil rotten!

Re: JPlop's 2015 Secret Santa (Sign-Up by Nov. 15th!)

PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 5:58 am
by rikkikow
I'd like to but ...
I have to pass.
Spoiler: show
Just in case. ;-)

Re: JPlop's 2015 Secret Santa (Sign-Up by Nov. 15th!)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:24 am
by boinsie
Last day to sign up ~~~~!!

Re: JPlop's 2015 Secret Santa (Sign-Up by Nov. 15th!)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:41 pm
by koregaboku
I'm in!!!

Did I make it???

Can I please have someone within the US? Thank you!


Sorry this has taken so long. But I like cooking stuff. Cooking tools, uncommon spices/herbs, cooking books, etc etc etc.

Uhm I hope that's enough. Once I get to a laptop/desktop I'll try to copy and paste what I put last year.

Re: JPlop's 2015 Secret Santa (Sign-Up by Nov. 15th!)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:23 am
by boinsie
Hahaha, I'm lazy, so yes, you're in! Please PM me your address & post your likes/dislikes. ^^

(Secret Santa appointees will be delayed a few hours as I confirm everyone's addresses! Only two of you actually PMed me... :fear: :hehe: )

Re: JPlop's 2015 Secret Santa (Sign-Up by Nov. 15th!)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:04 am
by forgetmenots
:smiling: Ha...

I so weirdly forgot I was supposed to do that...

Re: JPlop's 2015 Secret Santa (Sign-Up by Nov. 15th!)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:18 am
by CaptainBerryzGiraffe
Proud to be one of those two :cool: