Is it Fanon, or is it Canon?

Morning Musume。'14, Berryz Kobo, ℃-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, Hello!Project, TNX, and more

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Is it Fanon, or is it Canon?

Postby resop2 » Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:08 am

This is the thread where we collect various thoughts that "all fans believe" even though these thoughts are not verified by Hello!Project or some "reputable" news source.

These thoughts can either be:

Canon: officially acknowledged
Fanon: widely believed but not acknowledged
Kook Theory: Obviously made up for yuks value or believed by only a few

Things that are canon don't have to be true. One example would be the "rivalry" between Miki and Ayaya. This was canon for a couple of years before it was revealed that they were actually friends.

Also, things that are fanon or even kook theories don't have to be false. If people float enough rumors some of them are bound to come true.

1) Don't let the back door hit you on the way out!
Spoiler: show
Some of the girls have left h!p groups and/or UFa on "suspicious" terms or with the "implausible" official explanations:

1) Murakami Megumi

- Was pushed as part of Sexy Otonajan and ZYX and part of C-ute but left h!p/UFa before C-ute's major debut without a graduation ceremony.

Supposedly the remaining C-ute members are not supposed to mention her name.

In 2011 Murakami Megumi joined a new talent agency: called "Wants"

fanon: Was dropped because a picture emerged of her with a boyfriend.

fanon: Wanted to get the hell out of there fast as possible because she was being stalked.

2) Arihara Kanna - Part of C-ute but left after a leave of absence due to physical problems with a bunion deformity.

Bunion (as in Bunion in the oven) was a code word for another physical condition that usually takes nine months to run it's course ...

zunu wrote:Kook theory: "You know how we're always joking that her "bunion" surgery was a front for her pregnancy?

Well, of course that's ridiculous, but how about this? She went to H!P Management asking them to fix her teeth; "We're not paying for that," the cheap bastards told her, "you're no Risako." And what's worse, they then claimed that it was more "moe" for her teeth to stay fucked up, so they forbade her to fix them. So sneakily, under the guise of a foot injury, she went out on hiatus to get orthodontic braces. Since she was trying to rush, and couldn't afford the better alternatives, she got conventional metalwork, thinking that she could pretend to be recovering until the wires came off and she could then wear retainers. Inevitably too much time went by and she was unable to hide her actual surgery.
When management found out the truth, they fired her.

Meanwhile, now it's done and her teeth are all straight and beautiful, but she's keeping it a secret until her DVD is released so that she'll sell more copies."



In this story:

This is not official, but an inside source tells Hello!Online that there was more at play here. Firstly, it had been long rumored that Kanna had a boyfriend, which is forbidden in her contract. But our source also indicates that there were new images including Kanna that put Up-Front Agency management in a tough position.

A image worse than this?


3) Kusumi Koharu - Was graduated from Morning Musume even though she was the second youngest member with no plans for her in the future.

OhaStar, a children's television show, had been using Koharu as a
"guest" host on a regular basis. The producer of the show slipped
Tsunku some yen to get greater access to Koharu.

Koharu was canned from the group because of her ego, bad attitude, her inability to sing on key in a group setting, and her lack of progress as an idol.

debunking argument: They used her afterward in a group for the 2010 Chinese Expo called Ex-ceed, and also used in Dream Morning Musume.

Kook theory:
Koharu got into a fist fight with Risa backstage after sub-leader Risa tried to dress her down for being late and Koharu started pulling the "I'm a bigger star so you shouldn't be talking down to me" card.

4) Ogawa Makoto - Was graduated from Morning Musume so she could go to New Zealand to study languages.

fanon: Ogawa was kicked out on the urging of Yossie who was tired of Makoto's clingy attitude.


fanon: Ogawa was kicked out for being dead weight.

fanon: Ogawa left Morning Musume because of a broken heart, unable to accept Yoshizawa as just a friend.

5) Kamei Eri - Due to graduate from Morning Musume because of the skin condition Atopic Dermatitis.


fanon: Was called home by her home planet.

fanon: Atopic Dermatitis is another name for Bunion.

ikujinashi wrote: I guess i could throw this in here..
There was a rumor going on that Eri was getting married in June this year, to
a 44 year old creator. And knowing she's a "normal" person right now,
we probably would never find out if it was true. Granted it was just a
2ch rumor, but even so a rumor that one wouldn't quite know if it was
true or not.
Today Rina (Eri's sister) "confirmed" on her blog that
there's no one in her family that's getting married. In other words; she
answered the wota that had posted on her blog and asked about it. How
sweet is that?
I think she made fun of the people that started the rumor too. "Too bad~~ (lol)" XD

6) Mutou Mika graduates in 2008 from Ongaku Gatas.

fanon: Got caught in a compromising position with Yossi.

7) Rinne Toda graduates from Country Musume

sbanime wrote:I remembered one that could go in the "Don't let the door hit you on the
way out" category. If anyone old school remembers from back in the day
when Rinne Toda graduated from Country Musume I'm pretty sure that it
wasn't a clean break-up between the two parties. I believe she left to
do stage plays or something but I'm pretty sure also she didnt get a
typical send off, it was just like, oh btw, Rinne graduated, and she was
gone. (if anyone remembers when this happend, I could be off)

in this story would be that she was not happy with Rika being borrowed
into Country Musume and told the Tsunk it that CM wasn't big enough for
the both of them. Tsunku then told Rinne she had 30 minutes to pack her

.it was prolly me that came up with that one back then honestly lol i dont remember

denadel wrote: Fanon:
I dont think she minded Ishikawa.. I remember hearing rumors about
Rinne not liking Mai Satoda. Considering she left a few months after
Satoda was added, who knows..

8} Ogawa Saki graduates from S/Mileage and Hello!Project and Oha Suta

She wanted to go back to being a normal teenage girl.

An in depth look and analysis of six fanon-tastic theories from 2-chan can be found at this blog:

<article no longer there>

To summarize:

a) Rage quit
b) Friday'd
c) Demotion
d) Disgusted by Wota
e) Low Income
f) Conflicts with other S/Mileage members

However, I think that aggisu came up with "correct" fanon-tastic reason: Ogawa Saki did not have the correct Kanji in her name:

和田 wada
前田 maeda
福田 fukuda
小川 ogawa

9) Fujii Rio

The Canon

May 12, 2017:
Amped wrote:Fujii Rio announced she will graduate this Summer from Kobushi Factory and H!P to follow her other dream, becoming a teacher or a nurse. She thought of trying to balance her studies and activities with Kobushi Factory. She decided on graduation to focus on studies at University.

She will continue activities with the new single, the tour, and the movie. ... 323244614/

May 31, 2017:
Amped wrote:
Could it be that Saturday / 2nd day of a month refer to September 2, 2017? :|

Fujii Rio says she will keep a smile till her last day on Sept. 2nd (at the H!P Summer Concert ~HELLO! MEETING~ finale in Hiroshima, which is also Kobushi Factory's anniversary of their major debut single)

Fujii Rio apologizes for her decision to graduate even though they haven't fulfilled their dream of performing in a hall tour together.

July 6, 2017
Starra wrote:Well, this is interesting...

Fujii's contract with UF has ended because she was breaking the rules.

boinsie wrote:
Thank you for always supporting Hello! Project.
This is an abrupt announcement, however,
We are giving notification that, at this time, we have ended our exclusive management contract with Kobushi Factory member Fujii Rio.
It was previously announced on 5/12 that she would graduate with this summer's Hello! Project concert tour,
But afterward, it came to light Fujii was involved in circumstances violating the rules of Hello! Project.

We talked about improvement, but during that time she did not fulfill the agreement,
and we concluded it would be difficult for us to continue in our duty managing her, so
once again, we conferred with her and her parental authority, and during this time it lead to cancellation of her contract.
Regarding this decision, again, we are very disappointed she did not make improvements.

As for Kobushi Factory, their involvement with the Hello! Project concert tour, the movie "JK Ninja Girls", and summer performances and solo lives will go on as planned.
The members will come to grips with this, and continue to face forward with their activities, so
We will continue to support everyone as we advance forward.

To everyone, and those fans who habitually lend their support,
For being bothersome, and once again causing concern, we offer our deepest apologies,
and we hope you continue to support and cooperate with Kobushi Factory.


Translation of the announcement at H!O ... topic=3052

So the announcement is saying that her contract violations were discovered -after- the grad announcement? So weird to not just sweep this under the table for a month or two... unless they're afraid that whatever it is would come to a head and look bad on them as a company.

July 8, 2017
Starra wrote:It's Tokyo Sports, so make of it what you will, but they talked with an "insider" who said that Fujii was fired because of her lack of motivation/enthusiasm and it had gotten to the point where fans were spreading rumours about her. There hasn't been any proof of a boyfriend. ... nt/706435/

Her attitude was also starting to have an affect on the other Kobushi members.

The Fanon

Fujii was terminated from H!P because of ...

* Boyfriend
* Smoking/Drinking
* Showing no enthusiasm/not trying hard enough
* Showing up late
* Not being popular enough to make a graduation concert profitable
* Being voted off the island in the first round of H!PS.'17
* Talking with another talent agency

More Fanon:


In addition to suspicious graduations, there are other theories that state that ALL graduations are suspicious:


1) Maimai is responsible for all graduations since 2006.

* Miki: Maimai was pissed that she had to do a song with her and was reduced to spoken lines.
* Yossy: Maimai hates lesbians.
* Elder Club: They're all old and wrinkly.
* Erika & Kanna: Were trying to steal her spotlight.
* Koharu: Kira*Pika. Mai was pissed that she was just a side character.
* Megu: Mai saw her with the dude. Obviously she was the one who posted those photos.
* Maki: Slut.
* Asami & Miuna: Cannon fodder.
* Ayaka: Foreigner.
* Kago: Mai had nothing to do with this one.
* Nocchi: She has an annoying voice.
* Nana: Mai wanted to screw up the group's name.
* Jun Jun Foreigner.
* Lin Lin Foreigner.
* Kamei Eri She kept pointing out Eri's skin.

This theory seems somewhat strange since if Maimai had that much political stroke, how come she never gets a push?

2) Don't let the front door hit you on the way in.

Spoiler: show
Obviously, not everyone who tries out to be in Morning Musume gets in. But some fail with more style than others:

The "five" Finalists of the Generation Nine Audition


Even though there where five finalists announced in the Generation Nine Audition, those with sharp eyes can spot a sixth finalist who was imperfectly edited out of the special:

(collage by Iceymoon)

Somewhat Canon Now:

This finalist is named Suenaga Miwako and she was disqualified and "erased" from the audition for breaking the media blackout rule. Specifically, she was blogging about making the finals. She has since joined "HEARTS", a modeling/talent agency.

Kook Theory:

The blog entries were a cover up to deflect attention from the real story. What happened was a Japanese folk monster, a Yokai, auditioned to be in Morning Musume. Yokai-chan made it to the finals, but when they started running video tape it was discovered that she only showed up in mirror reflections. Since accepting someone like this would dramatically raise production costs, it was decided to let Yokai-chan go. However, she wasn't happy with this and decided to possess the youngest finalist, Mogi Minami. This caused Mogi to cry and lose her composure a lot during the final phase. Finally an exorcism was done and Mogi returned to normal. However, the other five finalist were not upset at Yokai-chan, believing that she got a bad break so they formed a pact where the finalists who got in would develop a special signal to let Yokai-chan know that they hadn't forgot about her.


The new generation nine members all wore a large skull and crossbones accessory in their first PV.

3) OMG how can you not support this ship?

Spoiler: show
This isn't the fan fiction thread, so we don't have to suspend our
disbelief. While it is plausible to assume that some percentage of the h!p girls are lesbian/bisexual/LUG, no one has come out so ALL of the following pairings are fanon.

And, while many "couples" have gone out of their way to "drop hints" in TV skits and concert skits, they have a strong motivation to do so since the titillation factor sells CDs.

For example:
Jun Jun's unrequited love for Captain

From the old JPM fan fiction thread poll, here are some of the pairings that are "widely supported"

1) Takahashi Ai/Niigaki Risa
2) Yoshizawa Hitomi/Ishikawa Rika
3) Kamei Eri/Niigaki Risa
4) Kamei Eri/Michishige Sayumi
5) Li "Jun Jun" Chun/Tanaka Reina

Not widely supported by the poll but widely supported by volume of stories:

1) Miki Fujimoto/Aya Matsuura
2) Yoshizawa Hitomi/Ogawa Makoto
3) Yoshizawa Hitomi/Miki Fujimoto

2012 update:

From JPHiP pairings section, here are the most popular duos by views of the threads (on 08/01/2012):

1) The Hello!Project Girlbonding Thread - 34176
2) The TakaGaki Thread - 21992
3) MizuPon EriPon <3 Thread - 6906
4) Jun <3's Everybody thread - 6432
5) The KameShige Thread - 6429
6) The AiEri thread - 3907
7) The MiyaSaki Thread - 3811
8} The Gakipon Thread - 3810
9} MaimiAiri the C-ute couple - 3525
10) ReinAi Revolution -3507
11) The TanaKame Thread - 3385
12) The TanaShige Thread - 3070
13) The GakiKame Thread - 2892
14) Yossie + Everyone Else - 2798
15) The RihoZukki thread - 2739
16) Manoeri + H!P Girls - 2521
17) The AiLin Thread - 2307
18} SayuBear's Playhouse - 2216
19) The TanaGaki Thread -2177
20) The ReikA Thread - 1471

And some "emerging" duos:

ReiSaki thread - 498
Wada Ayaka and Iikubo Haruna - 454
MasaHaru <3 Thread - 414

The above pairings should not be confused with the cases where two h!p members have lived together as room mates:

Canon: (since the participants have mentioned it on video, not trying to do a storyline):

1) Abe Natsumi/Iida Kaori
2) Li "Jun Jun" Chun/ Qian "Lin Lin" Lin

While it probably means nothing, all idols in unisex groups are periodically asked who they would date in the group if they were of the opposite sex or if the other members were of the opposite sex.

Canon (from a h!p 2010 book)

idol / Desired Girlfriend / Desired Boyfriend

Takahashi Ai / Kanon Fukuda / Tokunaga Chinami
Niigaki Risa / Nakajima Saki / Yajimi Maimi
Kamei Eri / Ogawa Saki / Yajimi Maimi
Michishige Sayumi / Sugaya Risako / Lin Lin
Tanaka Reina / Sugaya Risako / Kumai Yurina
Mitsui Aika / Hagiwara Mai / Takahashi Ai
Jun Jun / Kamei Eri / Shimizu Saki
Lin Lin / Tanaka Reina / Niigaki Risa

Shimizu Saki / Natsuyaki Miyabi / Yajimi Maimi
Tsugunaga Momoko / Tsugunaga Momoko / Jun Jun
Tokunaga Chinami / Sugaya Risako / Mitsui Aika
Sudou Maasa / Yajimi Maimi / Kumai Yurina
Natsuyaki Miyabi / Kumai Yurina / Sugaya Risako
Kumai Yurina / Kamei Eri / Sugaya Risako
Sugaya Risako / Natsuyaki Miyabi / Kumai Yurina

Yajimi Maimi / Kamei Eri / Niigaki Risa
Nakajima Saki / Ogawa Saki / Yajimi Maimi
Suzuki Airi / Kamei Eri / Yajimi Maimi
Okai Chisato / Takahashi Ai / Natsuyaki Miyabi/Hagiwara Mai
Hagiwara Mai / Kamei Eri / Sudou Maasa

Mano Erina / Nakajima Saki / Yajimi Maimi

Wada Ayaka / Nakajima Saki / Tanaka Reina
Maeda Yuuka / Hagiwara Mai / Mano Erina
Fukuda Kanon / Nakajima Saki / Kumai Yurina
Ogawa Saki / Sugaya Risako / Niigaki Risa

Most Desired Girl Friend:

Kamei Eri - 5
Sugaya Risako - 4
Nakajima Saki - 4
Natsuyaki Miyabi - 2
Hagiwara Mai - 2
Ogawa Saki - 2

Most Desired Boy Friend:

Yajimi Maimi - 6
Kumai Yurina - 4
Niigaki Risa - 3
Sugaya Risako - 2

Mutual Matches:

Boyfriend Sugaya Risako / Girlfriend Natsuyaki Miyabi
Boyfriend Yajimi Maimi / Girlfriend Kamei Eri

Update 2015: Canon - ... akari.html

A very good look at the 2015 version of the "If you were a guy, who would you want as your 'girlfriend'? And how would you confess?" results.

4) h!p idol with JE idol/actor/musician - the exclusive story in Tiger Beato!

Spoiler: show
From "The Completely Factual World Famous Johnny's Dating Chart"


(Obviously all of this is fanon or the girls involved would have been fired (with the exception of Maki.))

1) Satoda Mai/ Ohno from Arashi

2) Tokunaga Chinami/ Jin Akanishi from KAT-TUN (Jin supposedly got Chinami knocked up (as an explanation to why he suddenly had to "study abroad."))

3) Konno Asami / Tegoshi from NEWS

4) Takahashi Ai / Tegoshi from NEWS

5) Goto Maki / Nino from Arashi

6) Goto Maki / Kame from KAT-TUN

7) Goto Maki / Yamapi from NEWS

Other fanon that has cropped up:

1) Kago Ai / Ryo from ORANGE RANGE

2) Michshige Sayumi / Junno from KAT-TUN

3) Yajima Maimi / Arioka Daiki from Hey! Say! JUMP

4) Arihara Kanna / Hashimoto Ryosuke then in Johnny's Jr. now in A.B.C-z (they made Tiger Beato:)


5) Natsuyaki Miyabi / Kei Inoo from Hey! Say! JUMP (caught on tape?)

Miyabi and Boyfriend on you tube?

Update (reporting from eki134, zunu, and DSQueenie):

This incident has all but been debunked. Apparently the girl in the video is Fukuda Saki:


Stills from the "incriminating" video:


6) Tanaka Reina & Maekawa Hiroki are rumored to be dating. Both are on the show Uta no Rakuen .

7) There was a rumor that Tanaka Reina became famous to try to get recognized by FLAME member Izaki Hisato.

8} There was a rumor that Kamei Eri became famous to try to get recognized by Akanishi Jin from KAT-TUN.

9) Tsugunaga Momoko & Chinen Yuri from Hey! Say! JUMP

10) Hagiwara Mai & Chinen Yuri from Hey! Say! JUMP

11) Suzuki Airi & Fuma Kikuchi From Sexy Zone

The pictures wasn't that clear who the guy was though. ... /page-1028 ... o-the-same[/quote]

On the other hand, some other extra relationships are canon.

1) Abe Natsumi has a two day sleepover at Oshio Manabu's apartment. She gives as an excuse that they were playing Playstation. Luckily for Natsumi "playstation" is not a code word for MDMA... She is not disciplined at the time.

2) Yaguchi Mari leaves Morning Musume over a relationship that she is having with actor Oguri Shun.

3) Fujimoto Miki leaves Morning Musume over a relationship that she is having with Shouji Tomoharu. Miki eventually marries Tomoharu.

4) Matsuura Aya stops by w-inds' Tachibana Keita's house, carrying toilet paper in both hands is reported. Aya escapes punishment. Aya eventually marries Keita.

5) Not Everyone Makes The A Class at Okajo High School

Spoiler: show
Sometimes, h!p idols have been caught doing things that are unfortunate and sometimes downright stupid.


"Endangered Turtle Soup?"

Abe Natsumi was in Okinawa to shoot her "Ècru" photobook. While there, she saw a small turtle crawling across the road. She worried about it getting run over, so she picked it up and carried it to the beach where she thought it was trying to go. Unfortunately, the particular species of turtle:

a) was a land-only reptile and couldn't swim much less survive in saltwater

b) was designated an endangered species and a national treasure of Okinawa.

This was caught in the making of video for Ècru and is summerized in the following blog:


"Poetry is from the Heart"

Abe Natsumi was suspended from hello!project from November 2004 to February 2005 and issued a public apology after it was revealed some of the poems from a poetry book that she had released where written by other people.


"I let the pilots worry about that"

Many of the h!p idols have publicly shown less than stellar knowledge of geography:

1) Canon: On a talk show Tanaka Reina is revealed to think that Europe was a country and is unable to describe where Europe is on the globe in relation to Japan.

2) Canon: On Utaban the girls where asked where the group t.A.T.u. came from (Russia) and to draw it on the map.

As one would expect, the remaining Okajo High School class A girls (Konno Asami, Iida Kaori, and Ogawa Makoto) all got the assignment correct.

Fujimoto Miki held her map upside down.

Yaguchi Mari became a life long enemy of Sarah Palin by representing Russia as Alaska.

Kago Ai Thought t.A.T.u. were French (which was kind of hard since earlier in the show the two members of t.A.T.u. had mentioned the word Russia a dozen times) and represented Brazil as France.

Niigaki Risa drew Russia correctly but called it England. (Maybe Risa has insider knowledge of a future coup?)

Context is important!

Canon: Wada Ayaka answers a dream question and her answer is widely misinterpreted to indicate that she disliked foreigners:

It happened on January 9 2010 during the Erina+S/mileage MC (H!P 2010 Winter Mobekimasu concert)

Makoto: An American approaches you in speaking English in a dream you're having. What does he say?

Mano: What's happen?
Ogawa: I like melon.
Maeda: Yes, we can.
Fukuda: You are Kanon.
Wada: I don't like foreigners.

There were technical problems with the microphones that night (it was the first venue of the tour) so they asked her to repeat. She translated her sentence from English to Japanese as: "I don't like foreigners". Makoto apologized for her afterward. Wada meant that the American person would say that they didn't like foreigners but many people took it out of context.

6) Hello "Plagiarism" :)

Spoiler: show
This info is mostly from the old JPM h!p Plagiarism thread.

Unless Tsunku gets sued and loses over any of these, they are all fanon.

1) Mano Erina - Hajimete no Keiken - 2009 (Intro)

BANGLES - Manic Monday - 1986 (Intro)

2) V-u-den - Koi no Nukegara - 2005 (Intro)

THE POLICE - Message in a A Bottle (Intro)

3) W - Miss Love Tantei - 2005

tAtU - Not Gonna Get Us - 2003

4) Goto Maki - Afurechau ... Be In Love

Jessica Simpson - Irresistible

5) Morning Musume - Aisha Loan de (riff and title)

The Knack - My Sharona

Rice-O_Roni Jingle

Kirai Suki Daikirai - Buono!

6) Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari (concept)

Onyanko Club-Kaiin Bangou no Uta

7) Shiroi Iro wa Koibito no Iro - W (Intro)

Dust In The Wind - Kansas (Intro)

8} Donna Summers - hot stuff (instrumental hook)

Morning Musume - happy summer wedding

9) Dschinghis Khan - Dschinghis Khan

Morning Musume - Koi no Dance Site

10) Morning Musume - Kimagure Princess (intro)

GAM - LU LU LU (intro)

11) Buono!'s - GOAL

Coldplay - Viva la Vida

12) Taiyou to Ciscomoon - Everyday Everywhere

Mariah Carey - We Belong Together

13) h!p all stars - Hello Theme (2000)

Ashlee Simpson - L.O.V.E. (2005)

14) SHOCK! - °C-ute

James Bond 007 Movie Theme Music

Maki Goto - Uwasa no SEXY GUY

15) Shugo Chara Eggs! - Minna no tamago

video killed the radio star - the buggles

16) Mini Moni - Jankenpyon

koharu kusumi - kon nichi pa

17) Bananarama - Venus

Morning Musume - Love Machine

18) Orange Carmal - Magic Girl

C-ute - Hare No Platinum Dori

comparison video

19) (as reported by TotallyUncool & erilaz & esm) the Supremes' You Can't Hurry Love (and the general Motown sound)

Morining Musume's "Ii Koto Aru Kinen no Shunkan" (the intro seems to be an homage)

Mano Erina's "Sekai wa Summer Party"

20) The Guardians 4 "Party Time" (the bass line in the verses, most noticiable when Aika is singing)

Earth Wind And Fire - Let's Groove

21) from boinsie: "Listening to Pandora at work today, I was struck by how hugely similar Boogie Wonderland and Kiiroi Osora de Boom Boom Boom are at parts."

Actual covers:

1) Dschinghis Khan - Dschinghis Khan

Berryz Koubou - Jingisukan (Dschinghis Khan)

2) Cha Cha Sing - Berryz Kobo

Row Mah Sing - Bird Thongchai

7) Dear Diary ...

Spoiler: show
With the rise of social media, the opportunities for h!p idols to say things that "get them in trouble" multiplies.

1) Let's talk about what's important!


On May 22 2010 Tanaka Reina wrote something in her blog to the effect that her Morning Musume schedule with a stage play was cutting into her time on Uta no Rakuen. The blog entry was subsequently deleted.

ikujinashi wrote:I don't have the text, but from what I remember the entry went somewhat like this:

I got the schedule for June....




It's not there....................
Not there!!!!!!

The show that Reina loves so much, Uta no Rakuen, it's just listed once!!!!!!! T________________T

....because of the stageplay. ;_____;


So because of the stageplay I can't record Uta no Rakuen twice like I usually do....

Stupiiiiid!!! o( >________________&lt; )o


Because of this post Reina was "disciplined" and told to stop her daily blogging. (She resumed blogging after only missing one day.)

2) Xenophobia strikes again!


In Reina Tanaka's blog, first her and Kamei Eri and then her and Michishige Sayumi act like "Korean's" by slanting their eyes upwards. Sayumi and Reina also do a pic with their eyes slanted downwards. Management gets wind of this and makes Reina take the entries down.

Unfortunately, this did not stop pop culture blogging sites and international news reports from making a stink. ... f-koreans/ ... for-racism

No word on if Sayumi got in trouble with the makers of sorrowful French dolls for slanting her eyes downward...

8) Hello!Surgery!

Spoiler: show
People use "before and after" pictures to "prove" that an h!p idol has had plastic surgery to enhance their looks.

As it was mentioned in the JPM Hello!Surgery thread, almost all of these "reports" are not credible since an idol's looks can change a great deal with puberty, exercise, clothes, and professional grade make up.

Double eyelid surgery (really kind of silly since they have tape that you can apply that does the job in a couple of months without surgery):

1) Michishige Sayumi
2) Yaguchi Mari
3) Kago Ai
4) Tsuji Nozomi
5) Matsuura Aya
6) Tanaka Reina
7) Kamei Eri
8} Hagiwara Mai

In MaiMai's case, the speculation centered around the large sunglasses that she would wear on stage when she debuted as part of C-ute. The theories for these glasses included:

a) Protecting her identity since she was only 10 years old at the time.
b) Eyelid surgery
c) Pink Eye
d) Non-cosmetic eye surgery which impaired her ability to handle bright lights for a while.
e) Her tendency to give other h!p members the evil eye was scaring wota

Canon (maybe?)

During a concert MC on July 22, 2006, MaiMai was asked about the glasses and she said it was her current boom.

Breast Enlargement (as if breasts don't change size due to weight loss/gain or puberty, or as if idols don't pad their bras)

1) Goto Maki - fanon (because she has never admitted to having it)

The theory is that Maki had breast enlargement surgery after the DEF.DIVA single Suki Sugite Baka Mitai (October 2005) and before the solo single Ima ni Kitto... In My LIFE (January 2006), and this was most noticeable in the Alo-Hello photobook she released in March of 2006. (Maki's 20th birthday occurred at September 23, 2005.)

From the "Dear..." photobook in mid-2005:
Image Image


Nose Job (really odd since that can change your voice)

1) Mari Yaguchi

Kook Theory: Pro Wrestling move gone bad.

9) It's a family affair/ home life

Spoiler: show
Yes, the h!p idol have families and their families are often as strange or stranger than our families.


1) When Tsuji Nozomi told her mom that she had passed her audition into Morning Musume her mom slapped her in the face for being a liar.

Nozomi takes a stiff shot from her mom!

2) Kago Ai mentioned in a TV interview that one of her mom's boyfriends had asked her to show him her breasts when Ai was 11.
3) Goto Maki's mother dies in 2010 by falling from a third story window of her home. Police do not rule out suicide.

News report

4) Goto Maki's brother Goto Yuki is sentenced to hard time for theft.
news report
news report

5) Michishige Sayumi's grand father is a puchi-moni wota:
DAIKI wrote:Sayu visited her grandpa at their hometown and found out he's a Pucchimoni / Yasuda fanboy.

blog entry




1) Sugaya Risako is one quarter Canadian

2) Tsugunaga Momoko is from a poor family

3) Fukumura Mizuki is from a super rich family

It's strange thinking that this is only fanon, especially since Mizuki and Kanon once based a whole manzai routine on this. However, it has not be sourced by anything official.

10) I Heard it Though the Grape Vine

Spoiler: show
The h!p idols are hooked up with wireless microphones in concerts and plays that apparently do not have off switches. While the sound engineers can selectively mute their microphones so that the crowd doesn't have to hear them breathing and grunting while dancing, the signal is still going out and enterprising wota have made a cottage industry of recording the different frequencies of the live microphones off the air (microphone hacking).

This has lead to many "incidents" including:


"Michishige Sayumi playing for the other team?"

A hack of Sayumi's microphone before a performance of the play fashionable catches Sayumi singing to herself a song by AKB48 "Ponytail to ShouShou".

live journal report


"Rika Ishikawa hates wota?"

A hack of Rika Ishikawa microphone at a Morning Musume concert catches her wondering backstage if the older men the the audience didn't have anything better to do with their lives?

(Gee, for someone who supposedly hates wota, Rika is sure up on her wotagei:)

Rika caught on Hello!Morning doing Wotagei

Fanon? (can anyone confirm this?):

"Is she or isn't she?"

A hack of Hitomi Yoshizawa's microphone backstage has her speculating with Rika about Natsuyaki Miyabi not being a virgin. A blog entry I saw credited a transcript to Kuno at JPM, so if anyone knows this person this one could be properly verified.


"Why am I Getting Punished for Her?

Around September 2006 - Tsuji Nozomi's voice is recorded backstage during "Ribbon no Kishi." She was talking to Miki about a song that got shelved due to Kago's house arrest. Nozomi whisper-sang a few bars of it. There was almost no direct mention of Aibon and no sense of bitterness about what happened. (Has been heard by Celedam.)

Canon (since history is confirming this):

Sounds fishy to me ...

crypt21 wrote:Feel bad for Reina that she was the inadvertent source for the rumours that Momusu's latest single was sushi-related, and some wotas are making a meal out of it (though, considering the ridiculous nature of these 'charges' of Reina being responsible for the leak I don't think anyone is seriously making the accusation). Reina was recorded talking to Berryz members (Miyabi was one of them) backstage at the summer H!P concerts about their upcoming singles, and after Berryz members talked about their new single Reina tells them that Momusu's next release is about sushi, and the title is 'Appare, Kaiten zushi', to which Miyabi is recorded as replying, "Tsunku-san is into food/meal topics lately". The backstage recording was released a few days before the 'previews' from the sushi shops came up, but was deleted quickly. Some wotas reckon this single is being pushed back because information about it has been leaked through this backstage recording and the rips from the sushi shop. Others are contending UFA higher-ups conceded it wouldn't be the best theme for a graduation single and are pushing back the release date to squeeze in a double A-side, or something. If it was supposed to be the new single.

Considering how the sushi shops were playing the song even before an official announcement of some sort was made is making the "breach of confidentiality" argument less convincing, much less saying Reina's unfortunate backstage recording was responsible for it too. I just hope this delay produces a great single, double A-side, or whatever.


This is what was supposedly said in the mic hack, but the recording itself was deleted really quickly.

Haruka Kudou vs Karin Miyamoto


From a Ribbon~Inochi no Audition~ rehearsal from Aug-Sep 2011:


Sohee wrote:Sayuki's the one she's talking to and who audibly agrees with her.
Can't turn on sound atm and it was a while since I listened to it, but she basically talks about how Karin's fans are all old rich men (the term she uses I believe is ossan, but I might be remembering it wrong), while she and Sayuki has at least some high schoolers. Which is followed by Sayuki saying something to which Haruka says "Ah but I guess we have a lot of ossans too huh? lol" Sayuki ends up saying something, Haruka asks 'who?' and once she spots the person Sayuki is talking about, she says that the fan (I assume it's a he) looks homeless.

The whole thing just pisses me off a lot.

11) Dude, if you play this PV backwards it says that Momoko is the walrus ...

Spoiler: show
Is there accidental (or not so accidental) subtext to some of the h!p promotional videos (PVs)?

"They're Supposed to be Boys in the Video, Honest!"

In the PV for Berryz Kobo's "Seishun Bus Guide" there are in several scenes where the members of Berryz Kobo are dressed in dark boy's school uniforms riding on a bus with their hearts going Doki Doki over the bus guide, a grown woman.


This is obviously a lesbian video. While the girls wear boy's uniforms they do nothing else to commit to the idea that they're supposed to be representing boys. They wear the exact same girlie hair styles they always wear and they wear tons of make up.

The subtext is that these girls go to a all girls high school for the rich and had a field trip before with the same bus guide. So, using their money and influence, the re-hire the tour company to pick up a group from a boy's high school and the girls show up in amateurish drag so they can cold crush on the guide some more. Their affluence is confirmed by the fact that Yurina just happens to have a camera with her that looks like it costs thousands of dollars.

"Are long legs an Illuminati thing?"

Kook Theory

otakanhearts93 wrote:Just somefun gossip :hehe:
Smileage joined the illuminati in their 2nd Single.

The symbolism:
- The hitler/chaplin concept represents sadism and emotional.
- The PV is set in the morning and evening
- Smileage are in the clouds like stars
- Smileage are the morning and evening stars, like Lucifer. :hehe:


12) Art Imitates Wotas

Spoiler: show
Given the number of years that online h!p fandom has been around, and considering all the weird ideas that get thrown around all the time, it's not surprising that some of these ideas would wind up being used Tsunku just by coincidence. On the other hand, if one of YOUR ideas gets used then it can seem like Tsunku has agents who read bulletin boards all day looking for ideas.

Obviously, unless Tsunku comes clean and confesses (don't hold your breath), all of the following are fanon:

1) H!P Wrestling - a weird idea based mostly on the first Okajo High School special (where Yaguchi Mari on two occasions gets into a fist fight with Okamura Takashi and Yoshizawa Hitomi "snaps" and "roughs up" a production assistant during a pillow fight). It is a silly theory meant to "explain" various fan pairings as tag teams, but ...

Maybe someone should have explained to Tsunku that it was a joke?

Tsunku announces Idol Wrestling Project

2) Biyuuden

sbanime wrote:Funny thing about the H!P wrestling back in 2002 myself and some other members had a H!P wrestling thread going and had a wrestling league and wrote stories of us, Momusu members, and other random Japanese celebs battling it out. Not to mention years later I posted pics of H!P create a wrestler that I made on various WWE Smackdown video games.

Back when I posted more I had a few things I wrote happen. The main one was Rika being paired up with maybe Sonim or a couple other sexy type girls and making a group like that. Then Viyuuden was born.

3) The Momo Rangers

Starra, in the fantasy group section, hoped for a Momo group. Then in Hello Channel 9 the Hello!Pro Senati Pink Rangers were born.


Starra wrote:Colour groups! Pink group (Momo Girls / ももガールズ): Michishige Sayumi, Fukumura Mizuki, Tsugunaga Momoko, Suzuki Airi - Momoiro Sparkling Blue group (Smooth Aoi (スムーズ葵): Tanaka Reina, Ishida Ayumi, Sudou Maasa, Nakajima Saki, Wada Ayaka, Nakanishi Kana - Aoi Sports Car no Otoko Purple group (Kisaramu / キサラム): Ikuta Erina, Natsuyaki Miyabi, Fukuda Kanon - Murasaki Shikibu Red group (Akachans / 赤ちゃんず): Sayashi Riho, Sugaya Risako, Yajima Maimi, Takeuchi Akari - Akai Nikkichou Green group (Green Ⅴ / グリーンⅤ): Suzuki Kanon, Kumai Yurina, Okai Chisato, Tamura Meimi - NATURE IS GOOD! Misc group (No・Color / ノ・カラー): Iikubo Haruna, Satou Masaki - Image Color Orange group (0 Range / 0レンジー): Kudou Haruka, Tokunaga Chinami - Mikan Yellow group (Kiiroll (きいろーる): Shimizu Saki, Hagiwara Mai, Katsuta Rina - Kiiroi Jitensha to Sandwich No Mano in this because I'm not entirely sure what her image colour is. As for Aika, well, I dunno man. Think of it as Mobekimasu.

4) Flash Mobs

UreChiissa's idea of doing a Flash Mob for Cha Cha Sing got used.


UreChiissa wrote:I'm secretly hoping that Tunku has big plans for this song... I mean it's catchy, unique, fun and incredibly CATCHY and it has a dance perfect for flash mobs or great to show on shows, etc...

What I mean is that with such a song, it would be a waste not to take it's full potential and really promote it alot to get Japanese people to know it more and like it, leading to them wanting to know more about Berryz from this "catchy song they heard" (I don't know if I made myself clear but I can't seem to explain it right xD)

5) That (Cho Happy Song) should be a full single

AyuHikaru wrote:I found it! It's from here:

It's getting attention, it should be a single, with both songs as b-sides to capitalize on it's growing interest and C-ute's sudden rise to awesome . BAM, free press for Berryz, Cute stays relevant, song everyone freaks out about.

I said this April 24th, Single was announced May 4th.... with both songs as Bsides... huh.

13)Being an Idol Singer is a Battle

Spoiler: show
Are the worlds of Pro Wrestling and Idol Singing interrelated?

Kook Theory:

H!P Wrestling: All of the girls in Hello!Project/UFa participate in a wrestling federation that is well known in Japan but hidden from western eyes. The results and ramifications from this activity spill over into the "real word" from time to time usually in the form of wrestling stables and tag teams being put together in h!p as rumored couples (Yomiki, GakiKame), groups (such as W, GAM, Rainbow Pink, Zuku Pucchi Moni), or on Hello Morning skits (Kei's biker gang, Yossi's "family", Eri's "pilgrims"). Also, from time to time a girl will lose a hair versus hair match and this new look will spill over into the real world (Takahashi Ai, Niigaki Risa).

Now, while all of this is admittedly farcical an unbelievable, some clips do make you wonder, such as the following (which is not subtitled truthfully, but not edited otherwise in any way):

Hard core Tanaka Reina shows why she is number one with a Kendo stick.


All Japan Women Wrestling: On at least two different occasions during their history they achieved overwhelming mainstream popularity and exposure due to one of their tag teams performing successful idol singles (The Beauty Pair and the Crush Girls).

Crush Girls final live.

All Japan Women Wrestling later tried to recreate this success with a four person idol unit, but had less success. This unit (and their single) was called Kiss No Sekai and was produced by some guy who is totally unheard of on this board named Tsunku ...

Also, if h!p idols won't come to wrestling, then wrestling will have to invent their own idols. The promotion Ice Ribbon in Japan has become somewhat infamous for training girls as young as eight years old to wrestle. Many of these young girls are of a very high talent level and many will use as an "intimidation tactic" the gimmick of locking their opponent in a painful hold and then leading the wota in wotagei chants while maintaining the hold. Is it only a matter of time before one of these girls records an idol single?

Ice Ribbon's 9 year old Riho (she's now a 20 year old Kyanon look a-like), not to be confused with MM's Riho.

S/Mileage Smackdown??

Before S/Mileage's first concert at Budakon they release a youtube video where the girls cut rather convincing pro wrestling heel promos on each other:

They then had a ring set up on stage at Budakon and had at it:


Don't mess with an idol

Canon: For an upcoming movie Yuko Nakazawa did boxing training:

Image Image

14)Once an Upfront to society, always an Upfront to society!

Spoiler: show

March 7, 2009: Kago Ai is accused of having an affair with a married man, 33-year-old actor Hidejiro Mizumoto, by the his ex-wife.

news report

news report


September 7 2011: Kago Ai's supposed boyfriend Ando Haruhiko (44) a restaurant manager in Roppongi is questioned by the police after he allegedly told a creditor that he was not going to repay a 20,000,000 yen debt because he was down with an organized crime boss. Kago was also brought in for questioning.

news report


September 11 2011: Kago Ai in stable condition after apparent suicide attempt.

news report

Back in 2011 there was a rumor that Kago Ai had been offered a lot of money to shoot an AV (sources for this rumor are no longer working URLs). However:

15)It Came From Fourth Station

Spoiler: show
Not all of the strange ideas in fan fiction revolve around the sexual preferences and relationships of h!p members. Some other odd ideas have emerged as well:


Because No One Rises To The Top On Merit, or By Random Chance:

If someone ascends to the top position of a group, it must be because of some underhanded or hush hush reason:

* The top person is sleeping with the boss
* The top person is the illegitimate child of the boss

kook theory:

The Boob Job Idea Seems So Much More Reasonable Now:

Goto Maki, contrary to what Abe Natsumi might think, is a brilliant scientist who has invented a way to enhance a woman's bust size through the topical application of yogurt.

16)Some Fan Theories You Need a Tin Foil Hat to Think About

Spoiler: show
Sometimes fans get fixated on ideas that you just have to shake your head over.

Kook Theory

"If she was a girl she wouldn't walk that way"

Due to Mitsui Aika having an odd sounding nasal speaking voice, and because she looked kind of awkward at age 13, fans decided that she must be a boy pretending to be a girl.

A simple rebuttal:


Kook Theory

Kyonyuu Rangers Unite!

Some of the Wota on 2chan who are followers of the Hello!Project Eggs decided that there was an elite subgroup of the eggs who deserved their own group, no, their own sentai franchise.

Were these the top singers of the group?

Were these the top dancers of the group?

No, they were the ones with big boobs. This group was named the Kyonyuu Rangers.

For information on what "kyonyuu" means, read here.

The original Kyonyuu Rangers were: Kikkawa Yuu, Mori Saki, Sengoku Minami, and Sekine Azusa. Later on, Fukumura Mizuki was added as a fifth member.

The original 2chan thread is archived here, complete with jiggling gifs.

Did these girls discover Gotou Maki sensei's secret trick with yogurt? And, who were the monsters of the week that they fought? Will they be able to still defeat the monsters of the week now that Kyonyuu Ranger Red, Kikkawa Yuu, has gone solo?

17)It's not just the fans with strange ideas

Spoiler: show
Close Encounters of the Idol Kind


On a DVD extra for Hello!Project DVD magazine 19, Wada Ayaka revealed that Fukada Kanon had claimed to have been abducted by a UFO before she joined Hello!Project. Also, Kusumi Koharu claimed that Kamei Eri believes that she is a alien. This was verified by a follow up interview with Eri.
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Re: Is it Fanon, or is it Canon?

Postby resop2 » Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:25 pm

18)It's not the end of the world to not be chosen in an audition.

Spoiler: show
Every time Morning Musume (or more recently S/Mileage) holds an audition fans from all over the world pick their favorites from the audition footage and are usually heartbroken when one of their favorites doesn't make the cut.

However, losing an audition does not always stop someone's progress in show business or even in H!P:


Koda Kumi

Was a finalist for Generation 3 of Morning Musume.

Fujimoto Miki

Made the audition footage for Generation 4 of Morning Musume. She was later allowed to train to be a soloist if she worked in the secretary pool.

Satoda Mai

Was part of the Generation 4 audition for Morning Musume. Was later accepted into h!p as part of Country Musume.

Tanaka Reina

Made it to the finals of the Generation 5 auditions for Morning Musume but it was determined at some point that she was not eligible because she was not yet of age and her footage was redacted. She later successfully auditioned in Generation 6.

Miyoshi Erika

Was in the Generation 5 auditions for Morning Musume but did not make the finals. She later passed the "Tsunku♂ Produce Hello! Project Shin Unit" audition to become a member of Biyuden.

Yukina Kinoshita

Was a finalist for Generation 5 of Morning Musume. Later became popular as an actress and as a talent on the show Hexagon.

Kikkawa Yuu (吉川友)

Was a finalist for Generation 8 of Morning Musume. Was later accepted as an H!P egg, was in Milky Way, and recently debuted as a soloist.

Nishimura Kaede (西村楓)

Was in the Generation 8 auditions for Morning Musume. She made it to the second round but not to the third. She was later accepted into Takarazuka Review and her Takarazuka name is Gojou Marina.

Ito Chiyuri ("Ribbon-chan")

Made it to round 2 of the S/mileage generation 2 auditions, failed to go further. Went on to pass an audition for Stardust Promotion and became a member of the (indie?ish) idol group "3-nen B-gumi" (3-B).

The specific unit Ito Chiyuri is a member of under Stardust is "Team Syachihoko" (チームしゃちほこ).

Suenaga Miwako ("Yokai-chan")

Made it to the finals of the Generation 9 auditions and then had her footage (imperfectly) redacted because she failed to comply with the media black out rule and blogged about making the finals. Went on to join "HEARTS", a modeling/talent agency and released a solo single called "first memories".

She confirms the Generation 9 audition incident in this blog:

Girls who failed auditions at H!P and went to work at a different agency:

Satou Sumire (佐藤すみれ)

Was in the Generation 8 auditions for Morning Musume and made it to the finals. Later made a name for herself in AKB48.

Kashiwagi Yuki (柏木由紀)

Was in the Generation 8 auditions for Morning Musume. She made it to the third round but did not make the finals. Later made a name for herself in AKB48.

Umeda Ayaka - Participated and passed the first round of the Morning Musume: Morning Musume Lucky 7 Audition. Later made a name for herself in AKB48/NMB48/DiVA.

Furukawa Airi - Failed 2 Musume auditions in 2004 and 2005. Later made a name for herself in SKE48.

Kito Momona - Failed 8th Gen Audition. Later made a name for herself in SKE48.

Nishino Miki - Failed a MM audition (Date unknown). Later made a name for herself in SKE48.

Tashima Meru - Failed 10th gen audition - A Finalist. Later made a name for herself in HKT48.

Minegishi Minami - Auditioned for Hello!Project Kids. Later made a name for herself in AKB48.


Matsuura Aya

Ayaya, contrary to what many people believe, never auditioned for Morning Musume and lost. She instead auditioned to be a H!P soloist and won.

19)Sometimes H!P itself likes to stir things up.

Spoiler: show
Mystery Songwriter: (unknown status)

aerosuffly wrote:
JonCC wrote:
aerosuffly wrote:There are many speculation about the guy name Hoshibu/Seibu/Hoshibe Shou (星部ショウ, we do not now the exact reading). He composes many recent release, but no one can find his information online, so wota guess that it is a pen name of someone or a group of people, maybe Taisei, maybe the whole UF staff. That would not surprise me as members have mentioned having Taisei as a recording director even since before Tsunku become sick. He and Captian as a public figure would be good, or Sayu please.

Not even Karin knows:
Next on the agenda was a trial listen of the album songs. However, to add to the engagement of listening to the music, they would project the lyrics card that Karin-chan had used during her recording session. The lyrics card also had various symbols on them, written by Karin-chan herself to aid her singing.

The first song they focused on was 'Ai no Diving'. What caught people's eyes was the name of the composer and lyricist: Hoshibu Shou. This person has had a hand in several recent H!P songs - ANGERME: Nanakorobi Yaoki (Composition), Gashinshoutan (Composition), Juice=Juice: Choice & Chance (Lyrics & Composition), Umaretate no baby love (Lyricist), Ai no Diving (Lyrics & Composition), Chikutaku Watashi no Jun (Composition), Kobushi Factory: Dosukoi Kenkyo ni Daitan (Lyrics & Composition).

This person's recent involvement with making music for H!P has led to a recent topic of discussion amongst the wota: Who is this Hoshibu Shou? Heck, given the variations in how you can read Japanese names, I'm not even sure if 'Hoshibu' is how you would pronounce '星部'.

Nishiguchi: Recently, the songs by this person have all been good. It's an amazing batting average.
Karin: I asked the staff 'Who is this person?', and they told me, 'It's someone you've met'.

Perhaps it narrows things down a bit, but doesn't help the speculation particularly much.

So Hashimoto said in this week MUSIC+ that Hoshibe Shou (confirmed pronunciation) is a rookie songwriter, but he will not appear in media. Hmm ... this even makes him more mysterious ... Who the hell is this guy really?

Who could this mystery song writer be? Some possibilities:

1) Fukuda Kanon: If H!P was into doing professional wrestling style story lines, this could be their way of introducing Maro the songwriter. Maro has stated that she wants to be a songwriter after she graduates, and what better way to get people to see her as an ace songwriter than to have her write songs under a pseudonym and see if they become popular? If Maro's first efforts did not become popular then H!P could blame them on someone else. If they became popular then when Maro is revealed as the songwriter she has instant credibility. Also, not only has Karin met Kanon, they were in Shin Mini Moni together.

Maro's first official song (she did the lyrics):

SaebaRyo wrote:Watashi preview.


In an interview for Tokyo Girls Update Kanon states that "Watashi" was the first song she wrote. (However, this doesn't rule out the possibility that she wrote Watashi a while ago ...)

“Watashi” is the first time I’ve ever written the lyrics to a song, and when I started I had no idea how to write any kind of prose. So because of that, I think from now it’ll become a song that will become very dear to me.

2) Michishige Sayumi: She has been out of the public eye for around a year now and would have certainly had the time to write songs. Also, she mentioned before she graduated that she would eventually want to join H!P on the production end. A flaw to this idea is that Sayumi is tone deaf which could make it harder for her to write songs. But, if Sayumi wanted to do something I would not bet money against her. And, it's not like Sayumi is not a musician. Also, Sayumi being gone for a year would still make her a rookie.

(Sayumi and Yossie playing backup while Morning Musume sings a farewell song to Ishikawa Rika on Music Fighter)

3) Sugaya Risako: She has been out of the public eye since the Berryz Kobo hiatus so she would have had the time to write songs if she wanted to. Also, in Berryz Kamen, Risako carried around a guitar (although she pretended not to be able to play). Was this foreshadowing? Also, Risako being gone for a year would still make her a rookie.

(Risako in Berryz Kamen Returns (temporary) episode 1)

4) Sato Maski: Maa-chan, although she acts like a little kid, is actually a musical prodigy. Before she joined Morning Musume she was one exam away from being certified as a piano teacher. She was 11 years old at the time. So, there's no reason to think that Maa-chan does not have the potential to be a great songwriter, so long as Kudo Haruka helps her out with the lyrics since Masaki's Japanese is eccentric at best. Also, Karin was in Jurin with Masaki.

Amped wrote:
Amped wrote:
Amped wrote:Billboard Japan's special Morning Musume. '15 4 page interview (Masaki, Sakura, Ogata, Nonaka)

translation by Meroron♥


--I'm looking forward to see how this develops from now on. Now, Maachan just talked about her impression of 12th gen, but reversely, what is 12th gen's impression of Maachan?
Ogata: Sato-san is a genius.

Everyone: Oh-!

Ogata: Like the metaphors she uses to talk...

Oda: It's unintelligible, isn't it.

Everyone: (laugh)

Oda: Probably, it all makes sense inside Sato-san's mind.

Ogata: I think that sort of thing is amazing. It's like she's not human.

Sato: Hey, I'm human-!!

Ogata: (laugh). I think she's really a genius. Someone who can do anything.

Oda: She's really a genius. And Sato-san hasn't realized her own genius. Just now, she was referring to Morning Musume as a rose, but for her that is totally natural. But looking from outside, you think "Wow, what a romantic person", don't you. She also compares life to an equation, and says really splendid things about it. But to Sato-san that's also just a normal subject. Also, I'm really jealous of her superior sense for music, she's even been teaching the 12th gen about rhythm, teaching them how to catch the 16 beat, and lately she's even been doing a lot of song mixing, making BGM and the like, composing and writing song lyrics, she can do anything.


Also, there is this:

5) Qian "LinLin" Lin: She lives in China now, but, she's only as far away as an email. Also, she is a current songwriter who wrote the song Your Chapter for the Chinese idol group Idol School. Also, LinLin was in Shin MiniMoni with Karen.

Nayoko-Kihara wrote:
Amped wrote:former Morning Musume. member Linlin wrote the lyrics and composed a song for a Chinese idol group's debut

Idol School - Your Chapter MV ... 8675415040
Someone on tumblr translated part of an article about LinLin producing for Idol School. Apparently she composed 16 songs (and wrote lyrics for a few), and the group is auditioning for new members.

6) Maeda Yuuka, Kamei Eri, Shimamura Uta: Some wota will grasp at any straw they can in the hope that their number one idol will come out of retirement and back into the public eye. However, the songwriter wanting to be anonymous strengthens the case for those who are now "normal girls".


Amped wrote:
Amped wrote:in the upcoming issue of CDJournal magazine (5/31), we may finally get an answer as to who the mystery songwriter is, the first ever interview and identity of Hoshibe Shou. Hint : its a girl

CDJournal will be interviewing 23 different heroines of idol songwriting.
Image ... roines/645

It is revealed in the interview that Hoshibe Sho was a participant in an Upfront Forest Award audition. She is now part of the Upfront Music inc. (アップフロント音楽出版) branch, writing songs. She was born in 1985 (31 years old) and plays guitar. Her identity is still unknown with those hints. no picture.


She could be in any of the first 3 forest award auditions (Miyazaki Yuka, Tasaki Asahi, Hasegawa Moe won)

or the Ocean Awards (Kanazawa Tomoko particpation) / New Face winner (Eric Fukusaki)


Age 31 eliminates all of the above, but it is interesting that H!P had so many plausible candidates.

20)Shouldn't private life stay private?
Spoiler: show
status: fanon since the official line is that H!P girls are not allowed to date

In addition to being suspected of dating Johnny's Entertainment idols, H!P girls have also been suspected of having secret (gasp) boyfriends. While it is true that some in H!P idols in the past have had boyfriends, some wota feel that ALL of the H!P idols have boyfriends and that the agency looks the other way. Is this true? It would be hard to verify or debunk this since with would involve violating the privacy of dozens and dozens of teen aged girls, however, it is safe to say that the idol industry takes this VERY seriously if the following article can be believed:

Translation: (warning, this website has plenty of NSFW discussions, and translations for 2ch, so use at your own peril)

Some bullet points on how idol agencies keep their girls dateless:

1) Not allowing idols any alone time
2) Not telling them their schedules until the very last minute
3) Assigning them good-looking male hair and make-up artists

I do remember Konno Asami making a reference to point number 3 a while back. Does anyone know know which interview?
Last edited by resop2 on Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:07 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Is it Fanon, or is it Canon?

Postby resop2 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:43 am

Another update for 14, one for which I honestly hope I never have to make another one like that again. WTH??
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Re: Is it Fanon, or is it Canon?

Postby resop2 » Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:45 am

Just when you think section 14 can't get any stranger, we have some "newz" on Kago being offered a large sum of money to do pr0n.
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Re: Is it Fanon, or is it Canon?

Postby resop2 » Mon Oct 03, 2011 2:48 pm

Added a blurb for the Ogawa Saki graduation in section one. It includes a link to a blog that does a detailed look on many of the 2-chan theories on Saki's graduation.
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Re: Is it Fanon, or is it Canon?

Postby resop2 » Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:25 pm

Added aggisu's fanon-tastic reason for why Ogawa Saki had to leave S/Mileage.
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Re: Is it Fanon, or is it Canon?

Postby resop2 » Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:45 am

New category: "It's not the end of the world to not be chosen in an audition."

please read and comment.
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Re: Is it Fanon, or is it Canon?

Postby DSQueenie » Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:12 am

My fav part is Aika's simple rebutal xD This is a really good thread!
I used to have a Tumblr about Idols...
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Re: Is it Fanon, or is it Canon?

Postby resop2 » Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:40 pm

Added Ribbon-chan to topic 18.
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Re: Is it Fanon, or is it Canon?

Postby resop2 » Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:52 am

Added Maimai's sunglasses to #8 and updated some expired youtube links in 6.
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