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Morning Musume。'14, Berryz Kobo, ℃-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, Hello!Project, TNX, and more
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Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:43 am

Back in black…



Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:53 am

My year has been made.

(This is my fourth post about Airi's hair colour in a year.)

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:44 pm






Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

Tue Sep 15, 2015 1:33 pm

on C-ute day, Buono! had a little reunion, including the Dolce band members. They only got to meet for a short time.
Image Image Image

Last edited by Amped on Wed Sep 16, 2015 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

Wed Sep 16, 2015 12:54 am

Fukumura Mizuki wrote:18th Anniversary☆

Konban po(*´∀`*)ノn

Today is Morning Musume。’s birthday
Celebrate! It’s the 18th Anniversary Day!

Always being joyous together
frustrated together
Everyone who’s supporting us

Thank you so very much always

Last year and the year before we had Morning Musume。’s Birthday Events so, today I remembered them…
It was a day of gratitude towards our generations of senpai too.

That there’s a place to convey our feelings of gratitude, it’s something I appreciate

It was written in the book that Tsunku♂san published 「Dakara, Ikiru.」 but
Tsunku♂san graduated as Hello!Project’s producer, and that relates to Morning Musume。’15 as Sound Producer.

Tsunku♂san has an existence that gives power, it’s very cool and I admire it.
Tsunku♂san exists like a father to the members

For Morning Musume。 songs, Tsunku♂san gave us lots of treasures

Among the lots of songs, there’s lots of songs that even now everyone knows and can hum together

For the 19th year as Morning Musume。’15
with much more strength, kindness, and having fun
I’ll do my best aiming to be a cute rock group

Everyone from here please come along with Morning Musume。 too kay~

And for today, it was 1422 Radio Nippon
「Morning Musume。’15’s Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~」 recording♪

OA. is 9/19, 9/26

The members were Iikubo Haruna-chan and

Oda Sakura-chan who joined us 3 years ago today

ODA Congratulatiーons

Oda-chan and I have been contacting each other back and forth about nothing a lot!
There’s important talk too~ and concluding stuff too

It ended up being said that Oda-chan joined alone, joined alone but, when it came to song and dance she endured all on her own.

Oda-chan always doing her best
and from that Oda-chan I feel she’s doing her best with us together and having fun with us together now

And in this 1 year she’s gotten 4 kouhai, she’s been intrusted with more, and so maybe it’s been a fresh year for her

Let’s get along get for this 4th year too!

This weekend…at the place where Oda-chan joined us,
it’s concerts at Harmony Hall Zama♪


Today is 5ki, Takahashi Ai-san’s birthday

Every year I think it but… having the same birthday as Morning Musume。 is amazing huh

Ahー!!! Today we did shoots for the FukuDuー Birthday Event

The event application deadline is tomorrow

The fall tour’s last days, December 7.8, Nippon Budokan performance ticket application deadline is also tomorrow~


http://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-9ki/entr ... 97246.html


Iikubo Haruna wrote:9/14♡

Today on 9/14, Morning Musume。 has crossed it’s 18th Anniversary


It’s reallーーーーーーy auspicious!!!!

Of course it’s thanks to my senpai but, now we get to do activities as Morning Musume。, it’s because there’s all our family and staff, and all the fans too for sure!

Lots of fun memories, lots of harsh memories, we’ve had all kinds of things but,

laughing, crying, being overjoyed… all of those deep emotions, getting to share them with the members, and all the fans, I think of it very happily (*^^*)!!

The history woven by my senpai, we Morning Musume。’15 will connect even more to the future!!!!

Today we couldn’t meet up with all the members but, when I see them I want us to shout congratulations together !!

And, Odashi too, she crossed over her 3rd anniversary being in Morning Musume。キラキラ

At the time that Odashi joined, I too had my first time being a senpai, there were all kinds of things going on though (lol)

And now, I feel like she’s my companion I can be understanding about anything爆笑

Before I knew it, I started calling her, 『Odashi』 but, not Oda-chan or Sakura-chan, Odashi is the way I call her that has the most affection to it

Last night, I ate with Odashi and Suzuki-san, the 3 of us and we talked

Now, we’ve made plans to go to a certain place so, I’m really looking forward to it

The other day, during the Lilium Appreciation Festival during the short play, Odashi and I got to act in a two in one role but,

During the play, there’s a scene where I support Odashi’s cheek with my hand!

It was kinda strangely DokiDoki heart-pounding~

Her face is so tiny!!

My hand looks big too but her face is tiny!!!!

Odashi, congratulations


http://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/ent ... 13312.html

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:40 am

Morning Musume, the entity, is now a legal adult >.>

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

Wed Sep 16, 2015 10:06 am

Not in Japan yet for another 2 years.
But as from next year Morning Musume would be allowed to vote in elections. :lol:

Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:04 am



Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:43 am

Kanon Suzuki wrote:Also, one more thing…
I’m so sorry…
There are a lot of people who were expecting this, I’m sure.
Suzuki Kanon, has gained back the weight
What the heck am I doing… *cries*
I’ll do my best to recapture my pace.・゜・(ノД`)・゜・


Re: H!P Member's Official Blogs Discussion Thread

Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:53 am

I feel like 大リバウンド (in my opinion) can probably be translated better than "has gained back the weight" because in my opinion it gives off a different connotation than "has gained her weight back"... I'm just trying to think of a better translation for it.
for me "has gained her weight back" implies more that she didn't care and let herself get bigger again, whereas her calling it a rebound, in my opinion, sounds more like she's saying "against my will, my weight fluctuated back to a point of dissatisfaction."
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