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Morning Musume。'14, Berryz Kobo, ℃-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, Hello!Project, TNX, and more
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Re: Morning Musume。11th Gen "Suppin Utahime" WINNER ANNOUNCE

Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:11 am

in the 17th question asked, "who is your greatest rival?" Sakura says her rival is Sato Masaki



Masaki glare

Re: Morning Musume。11th Gen "Suppin Utahime" WINNER ANNOUNCE

Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:21 am

DSQueenie wrote:
Celedam wrote:From the official channel: 52nd single, 52 questions…



tis' weekend and I'm bored so ... kinda feeling a little deja vu here but what the heck XD
1.What is your birthday?
──March 12th, 1999
2.What's your hobby?
――Humming a song!
3.What are your favorite foods?
――Matsumae pickles, eggplants and kurage (jellyfish o_O?! )
4.What would you say is your strong point?
――Being able to talk to poeple without creating a wall between us
5.and your weak point?
――I'm a bit too positive
   When I get scolded for something I always made up excuses ("but that was because of this") in my head so sometimes I give it too little attention
6.Tell us your favorite phrase
――「~~or so I think」
7.If you compare yourself to an animal, what would you be?
――A cat-like rabbit
8.Are you a dog person or a cat person?
――I'm a cat person, i have five cats at home
9.Do you have a treasured item?
――I do. A stuffed bear that has been in my house since before I was born
10.What motivates you to start wanting to become an idol?
――When I was 3years old, my friends were unusually so into Morning Musume. I was dragged along by that girl and in the end I got into MM as well
11.Since entering Morning Musume, is there any painful happenings?
――Umm... when I got scolded by a lot of people like Manager-san or Leader of course (lol)
12.How about happy ones?
――When i started to get along with my senpais
13.Is there anything that makes you think "I'm glad to enter Morning Musume" ?
――The number of people praising me has increased lately and they said things like "You've become more polite"
14.Tell us one thing that surprises you the most since entering Morning Musume
――That Tanaka-san really is what she looks like, she doesn't have a front/reverse side.
15.Among the members, who is the person you'd like to learn from the most and what part of her?
――Tanaka-san's sense of rhythm
16.Among the members, who is the person you'd like to have something fixed and what part?
――Sato Masaki-san, the part where she glares at people who scolds her for about 3 seconds (lol)
17.Among the members, who is your No.1 rival?
――Sato Masaki-san. Because she's a genius.
18.Among the members, who is the person you can talk to the easiest?
――Suzuki Kanon-san. We get along well
19.Among the members, who is the person that your impression of her has changed the most since the first time you met her?
――Ikuta-san. I can feel her becoming more like a senpai. She's still very open but gradually she's becoming stricter/more intense.
20.Please say a few words to your senpai members
――Umm, I'm so sorry that I keep making you angry
21.What is your current favorite song from Hello!Project ?
――I like ℃-ute-san's Midnight Temptation. I like the sound behind the song or more like the part where even without vocals it still sounds cool, it's great for karaokes.
22.Please sing the song from question 21
23.What is your favorite beverage?
24.Is there anything you can't stand to eat ?
25.What is your favorite type of clothes?
――Something airy/fluffy ... like Mori-girl maybe
26.What is your favorite work (movie/novel/manga) ?
――Charlie and the Chocolate factory
27.Tell us something that you're not good at
――I have a hard time memorizing my positions on stage during performances
28.How about something that you're good at?
29.Tell us something you'd like to challenge someday
――I want to be able to jump into my senpais conversations from my own initiative.
30.What would you like to be if you were born again?
――I want to be my parents child again (?)not sure about this(?)
31.Is there a hairstyle you'd like to try next?
――Umm, I want to try a short cut like Kudou-san's
32.Aside from Morning Musume, is there an occupation you'd like to try?
――Hotel Manager. At school we had a lottery where we can choose an occupation we'd like to experience and I wanted to try being a hotel manager but I lost the lottery
33.Tell us three things you'd like to try at least once in your lifetime
――I want to try using a very thick makeup, I want to walk in the sky and then I want to do as I please in a concert without worrying about staff-sans
34.Where is the place you'd like to go to the most right now?
――Home. I want to go back to my house and see my cats
35.If you can have one of your wish granted, what would you wish for?
――I want to become someone who doesn't need to have any of her wish granted
36.If you were going to an amusement park, where would you play first?
――I'd go to the closest place and ride whatever is in it
38.Tell us something that made you cry recently (from a painful /mortifying experience)
――When I was given a solo part in the medley, Sato-san looks so frustrated that somehow I felt bad too
39.Tell us something happy that happened recently
――I talked a lot with Tsugunaga-san. She's just like how she looks in tv, and then she told me "From now on instead of calling me Tsugunaga-san, call me Momochi senpai ok?". What was it... somehow it felt like we signed a contract so now I call her Momochi senpai.
40. How do you relieve your stress?
――By crying

wtf the second part got eaten somehow when i tried to preview it and suddenly needed to log in again zzZZ oh well :(
posting half done now before it got eaten again i'll post the rest later tonight, maybe .... .... it's mostly about the song and i don't really understand technical descriptions so lol
if someone more fluent would like to take over please by all means :notworthy:

cmiiw as always :)

Re: Morning Musume。11th Gen "Suppin Utahime" WINNER ANNOUNCE

Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:43 am

So Masaki is jealous of Sakura.

Hm...well Masaki is still very childish, and talented so I guess this is natural.

Re: Morning Musume。11th Gen "Suppin Utahime" WINNER ANNOUNCE

Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:58 am

They're all still kids... minus Sayu and Reina and the high schools trio (arguably) XD
I think it's good that Masaki doesn't want to lose to her kouhai and in general this sentiment is shared by everyone who ever had a kouhai like all the Qkies felt toward 10kies but I'll leave the in depth-discussion for those more interested in the rivalry dynamics within the group :lol:

i'll just sit back and enjoy the show either way :coffee:

Re: Morning Musume。11th Gen "Suppin Utahime" WINNER ANNOUNCE

Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:12 am

Rivalries and competition within a group will make a group better in the long run, because it means the girls will try harder to get that spotlight. I'm not saying that their shouldn't be friendship and stuff, but there needs to be some rivalry there too. They should feel like their competing with each other and strive to work harder. BUT you want it to be a friendly competition, because if they hate each other then the group will just collapse

Re: Morning Musume。11th Gen "Suppin Utahime" WINNER ANNOUNCE

Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:14 am

I don't think Masaki hates Sakura, though. It's probably just an age thing.

Girls tend to get jealous of each other pretty easily, too.

Re: Morning Musume。11th Gen "Suppin Utahime" WINNER ANNOUNCE

Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:30 am

That reminds me what ever happened to the sisterhood thing that RIho and Masaki had? I don't really see that anymore.

Re: Morning Musume。11th Gen "Suppin Utahime" WINNER ANNOUNCE

Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:49 am

^prolly cause maachan was ill

Re: Morning Musume。11th Gen "Suppin Utahime" WINNER ANNOUNCE

Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:52 am

more than a girls thing I feel like is when a child get jealous of their newborn sibling xD Masaki is the baby of the group after all and Sakura is the new girl you need to teach everything, so maybe seeing her sempais taking care of her is a bit hard.

Specially with Reina's graduation approching, probably Maachan would prefer to have her Tanasa-tan all for her xD

Re: Morning Musume。11th Gen "Suppin Utahime" WINNER ANNOUNCE

Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:59 am

I think Maachan was just jealous of Sakura getting lines, I dont think it has to do with Reina.
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